𝐵𝑒 𝑀𝒾𝓃𝑒

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𝔻𝕪𝕝𝕒𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕠𝕧:

Ive been calling her for the past ten minutes where was she? Oh right at the rich troll's house. She totally forgot about me, she probably forgot i existed. I mean who wouldn't, the Smith's house looks like the Pinterest photos. She's probably having the best time in the world! And the way her and Carlos was acting, my fists clenched just thinking about what happened at that pool. Carlos had everything riches, face, the body, the muscles. He had everything. The thoughts were processing my head. Sure its only been a few days since me and Aliyah met. But the way Carlos looked at her, the way she looked at him. I had to take her before he could. She had to 𝒷𝑒 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒 before she could be his. Just thinking about it made me want to punch the wall. Carlos didnt deserve her, I did. Carlos didnt deserve anything. Hes emotionally unstable, he could never take such good of Ali like I would. I was just scrolling on TikTok, trying to stop thinking about the possibilities, then I scrolled to Olivia's account. Aliyah and her were making tiktoks. They were making tiktoks, and Aliyah was smiling. Why was the video ten minutes? The more I watch it the more it makes me mad, shes having a better time with them then with me. I watched it for like the million time, and i threw my phone into the wall. I didnt even bother picking it up, it was probably broken, but i didnt care.

I grabbed my keys, and drove my car on speed, i didnt care. My mom and dad were at work. The house was dark and lonely, every day was like that, every spring, summer, winter, fall. It was lonely, even when my parents were there it was lonely. This summer, when i met Ali i wasnt lonely, she got me when nobody did, Ive laughed with her more times in a day, then i have in months. I didnt want to be her friend any guy who got to be her friend, was probably lucky, but not lucky enough to be more. And in this case i was more, and there was no way I going to lose the chance to lose her, especially to my enemy. I arrived there, ugh it looked more perfect than i thought, it was different from the house from the party. I banged on the door, I would break it down if i wanted too.

"Who the hell is banging on this door so hard?'' A maid said then yelled. "Carlos and Olivia, you have a visitor! who looks mentally unstable.'' she muttered. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey lady you keep off  my mental health.'' She nodded.

"Who is there? oh you. why are you here?'' Olivia said holding the door. The maid shrugged.

"You can go Molly.'' Olivia said still studying me. She always does this, trying to figure people out.

"Are you going to let me in or what?'' I said annoyed, she needs to stop looking at me.

"Fine.'' Olivia pushed the door open, and I saw her. Aliyah looked at me like she got caught, cause she did.

"Dylan, your here!'' Aliyah said running to me, and hugging me, my hand stayed at my side. Not moving in inch

I saw Carlos roll his eyes, hes just jealous in these next ten minutes she will be mine.

"Why did you ignore my calls?'' I immediately got to the case, I did not have time to make small talk, I hated the smell of this house, smelled like a fresh new car.

"We were watching a movie, and i was going to answer you, but Olivia threw my-''

"I dont care for your excuses. Tell me the truth.''

Then Olivia stepped in of course she did, that girl was always where she wasnt wanted.

"LEAVE HER ALONE, SHE IS TELLING THE TRUTH, I did throw her phone to the other couch, because we were watching a movie.'' Aliyah nodded, and Carlos rolled his eyes again. I wanted to punch the eyes into the back of his head.

"Dylan im telling the truth.'' Aliyah said grabbing my hand, I pulled away.

"Ok, be mad, theres no reason for you to be bitchy, you left not me.''


"When we were hanging out at the pool, you left so its not my fault. And it shouldnt matter whether you like the smith's or not. their my friends let me be happy.''

"Lets just go home. Aliyah.''

"Why do you think you own her?'' Carlos said, for once he spoke and not trying to find his brain.

"I dont.''

"Yes, you do, everything is do this do that, shes her own person, your getting mad at her, when your the that left.'' Carlos said sipping on beer, he said so casually. It made me even madder. I ran into him, I couldnt help when Im angry, normally i can handle it, but even when I see Carlos's face it makes me want to attack him.

"GET OFF MY BROTHER, YOU DICK!'' Olivia said pushing me off him. Carlos didnt even flinch, he stayed there still sipping his beer, like nothing happened it made me even madder. I going to go for round two, but then I saw the look Aliyah gave me. She looked at me, like she was disappointed even embarrassed. I stopped.

"Im sorry.'' I said even though I didnt mean it.

"Just the fuck out our house, and never come back.'' Olivia said mad. Carlos shrugged, like he didnt care. That's when I realized, Carlos didnt care, cause i was small, I was just an annoying bug, that kept flying. I was no match to him. I backed up.

"Come on lets go I want to talk to you.'' Aliyah said arms crossed, mad. I knew I messed up right there.

"Yeah, im sorry Carlos, and Olivia for breaking into your home, and attacking you.''

"Uh huh, just get out!'' Olivia said.

"Im sorry for this Via.'' Aliyah said hitting me and pushing me out the door, it hurts.

"Its, fine just dont bring your little bf here again.'' Olivia said laughing and hugging Aliyah goodbye.

"Hes not my bf.'' That hurt even harder. Maybe I should Keep this lingering question for later, But then Aliyah waved goodbye to Carlos. My determination came back. Today, my house shes going to be my gf.

I drove her to my house, to "talk'' but my talk was definitely going to be different from hers. The whole car ride was filled with awkward silence, kinda like when I drove her home when I first met her. That awkward silence was different from this one. We got to my house. She didnt say anything about it, she didnt even look at it. her eyes were still on the ground. Arms crossed. When she got to Carlos's house she probably stared at it for hours, and said a million compliments.

"Were here.'' I said breaking the silence.

"I know'' Aliyah said still looking down.

"Then get out.'' She turned up, and looked at me since this whole drive. But the look she gave me was full of sadness, anger, and almost regret. That look made me want to cry, I didnt want her to regret liking me.

I opened her door. And grabbed her hand, she pulled away. She definitely hated me now. I opened the door, and she just walked through the house. I opened the bedroom door. And just stood there, and looked around.

"You can sit down you know.'' I said laying on my bed.

"Ok.'' Aliyah sat down. Silence filled the room. It was so fucking loud.

"What happened to that talk you wanted to have with me.'' I was playing with my bed sheets, as she sat far away from me on the other side of the bed.

"I dont want to have that talk.''


"Your not a child Dylan I  shoudnt have to talk with you. You shouldn't be banging on people's door, and attacking them''

"HE GOT ON MY NERVES!'' I defened myself.

"HES ALWAYS GETTING ON YOUR NERVES!'' Aliyah screamed at me. she screamed at me.

"Im sorry.''


"Can I ask you a question?'' The words were waiting for me to be spat out. Just say it. I know shes mad at me, but she couldnt be that mad? But i thought about when she said to Olivia that im not her bf. I mean I wasnt at the time, but what if Ill never be her bf. What if I messed up too bad?


"Will you be mine?''

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