Chapter 13

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I tried to settle into a new book. Nestling deeper into my comforter, I reread the same sentence for what felt like the hundredth time. It didn't matter how many times I tried to focus, the words didn't register. I allowed myself to sigh. My head just wasn't in it.

I peered over my shoulder to the much more organized half of the dorm room. It was silent. Only the low hum of heat rising from the vents could be heard. Cali was over at Lincoln's and probably wouldn't be back until well into the early hours of the morning. I tried to make the most out of my alone time–by scheduling a much needed self-care day–but things weren't going to plan.

The sun was beginning to set and so was my interest with the forbidden romance between a receptionist and her moody, billionaire boss. I clapped the book closed. The smell of the new book wafted into my face. I tossed it down next to me, annoyed with myself. Usually reading about other people's drama helped me forget about mine. And damn did I have a lot of it.

The vibrating of my phone on the bedside table was a welcome distraction. I picked it up, answering the call without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver.

Hendrix's deep voice filtered into my ear. "You're coming tonight, right?"

It was a surprising, but welcome, distraction. While I was used to exchanging the occasional text, Hendrix and I hadn't crossed the bridge to phone calls. His southern drawl stirred up a kaleidoscope of butterflies in my stomach. I squashed them back down. That was not the kind of reaction I should have been having towards my fake boyfriend.

I couldn't fight the playful roll of my eyes. Whether it was towards his question or the uncharacteristic feeling in my stomach, I couldn't tell you. "No, Hendrix. I told you I wasn't."

"Give me one good reason."

The challenge in his tone forced me to smile. "I have a self-care day schedule and you're interrupting," I informed him.

He paused for a moment. It was silent on the other end and I wondered where he was calling me from. With how quiet it was, I figured he wasn't on the main floor of the Hockey House. My one visit to the townhouse was enough for me to realize that it wasn't the most serene of places. "I said a good reason."

"It's a good enough reason for me."

"Darlin', you have to come to our pre-celebratory party. It's your obligation as my non-girlfriend."

I skipped over the non-girlfriend comment. "Aren't you meant to celebrate after you win, not before?"

"It's in the bag," he said. His voice was as smooth as a glass of Tennessee whiskey. "I have my good luck charm."

I groaned into the receiver, sinking lower into my mountain of pillows.

"Besides," he began when I didn't respond fast enough. "Your piece of shit ex is suspicious about the legitimacy of our non-relationship. If you don't show up tonight, the whole thing is pretty much blown out of the water."

"What did he say?" I asked, sitting up a little straighter.

"He was curious as to why I wasn't at Cali's birthday party with you. Apparently, when you two were together, you didn't go anywhere without him."

"Oh yeah?" I muttered, glaring at the wall ahead. "Did he mention the reason why?"

"He said you were clingy."

I let out a humorless laugh. "Of course he did. The truth is he wouldn't let me out of his sight because he couldn't trust that other guys wouldn't hit on me. Ironic, right?"

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