Chapter 20

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By the time I reached the locker rooms at York Arena my lungs were on fire. I adjusted the strap of the hockey bag over my shoulder, trying to steady my breathing. Considering Ella and I hadn't left the dorms as soon as I ended the call with McKinley, I thought I made record timing. Did I make it to the arena in five minutes like I had promised? No. And there was a good chance that I was going to get reamed out for being late, but I couldn't fight the grin off of my face.

I had dropped off Ella in the foyer with McKinley's girlfriend, Eden. They hadn't even made proper introductions before I hightailed it to the other side of the building to prepare for the night's game. Even from where I stood banter seeped through the door, echoing into the hallway. There was something about the pregame hype that charged me up. I was almost sad I missed it.


I threw the door open. Laughter fluttered out of the open door and into the secluded back hall of the arena. Keeping my head low, I beelined for my locker. I tossed my gear down the floor and slipped off my trench coat. All things considered, I was surprised it wasn't slicked in patches of sweat.

The rest of the Falcons were suited up, ready to hit the ice. Most of the guys already had their skates on and were waiting for Coach Miller to make his spiel before heading onto the ice. My fingers were flying down my dress shirt by the time my best friend spotted me.

"Where the hell have you been?" McKinley came up behind me as I was undoing the final button. He was already in his skates, bringing him up to my eye level. "I had to tell my dad you got a flat on the way over here."

"If that's the case, he'll be impressed with how quickly I was able to fix it," I said, offering him a boyish smile that always worked on keeping me out of trouble with my mom.

McKinley hit me with a bored expression.

"Don't sweat it," I slapped him on the shoulder. " I'm here now, it's all good."

He crossed his arms across his chest. "In the last three and a half years you've only ever been late to one other game. What were you doing that was so important?"

I slipped on my undergarments, trying to avoid my best friend's questioning.

"How dense are you, Miller?" Maverick said, joining the conversation from his corner of the room. He sat in front of his locker with a knowing smile. "Our starting goalie here was off having sex."

McKinley looked between the two of us. "Were you with Ella?"

"Of course he was," Maverick's face broke out into a grin. He bumped my arm. "The guy can't stop cheesing."

"Sure, Sousa, just throw me under the bus."

Maverick laughed. "Sorry, loverboy."

"Who are we calling loverboy?" Booker questioned, coming to stand beside McKinley.

I sat down in a huff. Now the whole team was going to get in on it.

"Tate's late because he stopped to make a booty call," our winger explained.

"It wasn't like that," I interrupted. My calloused fingers ran over my laces as I worked to tie up my skates. "I went to pick her up and give her my jersey to wear for the game and–"

"Give her your jersey?" Maverick echoed before checking around the room to make sure Liam was out of earshot. "Things are getting pretty serious then, no?"

I knew what he was trying to ask. My housemates were well aware of mine and Ella's fake dating situation. While I often had to remind them that our relationship wasn't real, sometimes the lines were blurred. Even for me.

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