Chapter 28

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The steady rhythm of packing tape being pulled filled our dorm room. I threw another pile of clothes into the open suitcase on my bed. Much like the rest of my life, it was messy. Crop tops and bralettes tumbled down from the peak like an avalanche. Pursing my lips, I considered folding everything to create more space for the rest of my closet but I was simply too eager to pack my bags and get the hell out of there.

The academic year was officially over. Final exams were trickling to an end and summer break was well on its way. For most students, this meant a few months of relaxation or working a summer job before returning. For me it meant finally moving out of the Fenton dorms and never looking back.

I turned my head to peer at the other half of the room. Cali was meticulously folding her clothes into one of many suitcases. Neat short-stacks of clothes organized by type and occasion. While Lincoln, her boyfriend, stood on her bed and plucked polaroids off of her cork board. His head was mere inches from the ceiling, the all-black outfit a stark contrast to the light and airy vibes of Cali's side of the room. I smiled.

"Hey, El," Cali called out from where she was folding. "Do you want this? I bought it that time we went downtown, but I think you'd get more use out of it."

I glanced over at the black pleated skirt in her hands. "Are you sure? It's so cute."

"I know..." Cali sighed. "But I've come to terms with the fact that I don't wear much more than leggings and oversized t-shirts. When am I ever going to wear this?"

I tilted my head, returning back to my own pile of stuff. My law textbooks formed a teetering tower, each one a testament to the long nights spent studying. "I can hold on to it for you if you'd like. Next year we can work on expanding your horizons."

Cali offered me a smile, tossing the black fabric onto my bed.

When a knock sounded from the door all three of us exchanged looks.

"Is that Hendrix?" Cali asked.

I peered at the clock on my bedside table. His exam started less than thirty minutes ago... there's no way he would have been done. I dropped the slinky sweater that I had been trying to fold. It fell into a pile with the rest of my wrinkled clothes. "Maybe it's our RA?"

With my roommate and her boyfriend still packing away I went to answer the door. I kicked at the boxes in the way, opening the entrance to our dorm room with a creak. Liam stood on the other side. The icy blue of his eyes scanning the chaos behind my head before landing on me.

"Hey," he swallowed.

"Hey," I breathed, trying to understand why he was here.

Neither of us spoke for a moment. Both of his hands were stuffed deep in the pockets of his jeans as he chewed on the inside of his cheek.

He let out a rugged breath. "Can I come in?"

"Um," I faltered, glancing back to make eye contact with Cali. Her expression mirrored mine, her eyes wide. This was the last person we were expecting to come to our door. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Please, Ella, I just want to talk," Liam insisted.

"Alright, you can talk to me here. But make it quick," I relented, crossing my arms over my chest.

I had no idea while Liam would have come to find me–why he thought showing up at my doorstep was a sane idea. But it was reassuring to know that I had a boxing protégé standing up on Cali's bed if shit went sideways.

"Look," Liam began, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "I came to apologize. Not just for what happened between us... but also for what happened with Hendrix."

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