Chapter 18

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The thin material of my Falcon's jersey weighed heavily in my hands. On my way over to Ella's dorm, I tried to convince myself that it was pre-game jitters getting the best of me. We were going up against Brite College. It was our second time facing them that season and the last loss had been a rough one. But deep down, I knew it wasn't the game that had my nerves fraying at the edges.

Sweat pooled in the centre of my palms. I brushed my thumb across the embroidered letters of my last name. This was the first time I'd ever given a girl one of my jerseys for a game. To someone who didn't involve themselves in sports, the gesture might not seem like a big deal. But for those who've been playing hockey long enough know that you don't give your jersey to just anyone. Giving someone your jersey is like the jock's version of a promise ring. It's staking a claim. Making a commitment. And while I'd had girlfriends in the past, I hadn't reached that level with any of them.

But Ella was different.

Clearing my throat, I made my way through the second floor of the dorm. Winter College had narrow hallways and even thinner walls. There was next to no one in sight, but conversations and music funnelled past each closed door. It was like living in a tuna can.

I had spent one year on res before I met Booker and moved into the Hockey House. Sure, I still had roommates. But while we had more than half the team over most of the time, our two-story townhome wasn't anywhere close to what this was like. It almost made me claustrophobic.

Tugging at the collar of my dress shirt, I followed the sequence of room numbers that led to the end of the hallway. Ella's room was easy enough to find. A small whiteboard hung from a hook on the door. Cali and Ella's names were scribed across the surface in a fancy cursive.

I dragged in a deep breath through my nose, knuckles meeting the wooden door in three light taps.

A muted, "one second" sounded from the other side. Hushed, panicked whispers followed close behind. I bit my bottom lip, trying to fight the smile that was making its way across my face.

When the door opened, Ella's roommate was the one standing there. Her chocolate brown hair was tucked into a messy bun that wobbled on the top of her head when she looked up at me. A kind smile touched her face.

"You must be Hendrix."

I returned her warm grin. "And you must be Cali."

"That would be me. It's nice to finally meet you." Her big brown eyes kissed at the corners when she smiled. "Come on in, Ella's still digging through the closet."

"Trying to find something to wear?" I mused, stepping into the room. "I might have something to help with that."

Cali moved out of the way, making space for me in their cramped bedroom. The olive green parka she was wearing was unzipped and I wasn't too sure if she was coming or going.

I didn't have much time to think about it. Taking another step into the room, I was met with Ella on her hands and knees. Half of her body was inside of the closet as she dug through the pile of clothes that laid to rest on the floor.

I tilted my head. "You okay, darlin'?"

With a huff, Ella sat back on her legs. Her blonde hair was in a frizzy, static-filled mess. If I didn't know any better I would have thought she put her finger in an electrical socket. "I was looking for a Fenton sweater that Olivia leant to me. But I seem to have misplaced it."

Cali's head popped out from around me as she fixed a bag over her shoulder. "So you lost it."

"Misplaced," Ella reiterated.

"Right," Cali mused, keys jingling in her hand. "Well I'm leaving now. I'll have your car back in one piece and with a tank full of gas in the morning."

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