Issue #9 - Let's Trash A Penthouse

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Meet at this location tomorrow at 5:00 PM.

27 Kyler Street.

Don't be late.

~ Mother Wasp.

I brought the paper down, looking at the house in front of me. Well, this should be the place.

I turned around, looking up to a nearby roof where Sophie's face peeked out from above. The robotic lines on her face were covered up, Hikari having taught Sophie how to use the make up to hide them. I gave her a nod, slipped on my ski mask and then walked up to the door and knocked on it.

The door opened, revealing good ol Todd.

I gave him a nod, receiving a grunt in response. I walked inside of the house, seeing a living room, kitchen, and stairs up to a second floor. In the kitchen was a brown wooden table with six chairs, Mother Wasp being sat at the head of the table.

"I'm not surprised you're the first." She smirked. "Please, come sit down, dearie."

She pat the seat closest to her. I slowly approached, sitting down in the chair. She leaned her head onto her hand, looking at me with her one eye.

"The other four should be here soon." She stated. "For their own sake."

She chuckled to herself, like she just made a joke. I frankly can't really tell. You never know with these supervillains.

I continued to sit there, nervously sweating as she simply continued to look at me. Finally the door opened once again, a few people coming in. Four more goons walked into the room, finding chairs to sit in.

And considering the glare I can feel burning into my side, I think the other promoted guy from two weeks ago is here as well.

"Perfect, you're all right on time." She stated. She stood up, holding both edges of the table with her hands. "The base also hasn't been taken down by heroes yet. Either the captured didn't spill, or more likely, the heroes are waiting for me to return there."

"Now, let's get onto business." Mother Wasp continued. "Before I make my debut, I have some jobs I need complete."

"You two." She pointed to the one furthest to her. "I need you two to get money. I don't care how it's done. But get a decent amount in a week."

The two nodded.

"You can leave now." Mother Wasp waved them off.

They stood up, walking out of the building. Okay, I guess this is going to be quick.

"You two." She pointed to that one angry dude and the other grunt. "Find a suitable location for a new base. We may need it. One week. Now go."

The other two stood up, leaving. I felt like I could feel the man's glare on my back until the door shut and they were gone.

"And now for you..." Mother Wasp spoke, sitting onto the table. " have the most important job."

And yet there's only one of me?

Eh, not really complaining.

"I want you to infiltrate Killian Stromford's penthouse at the top of the Stromford Industries building." She stated. "And I want you to trash it. Make sure he knows someone was there."

That's...not what I was expecting at all.

"And if you happen to find any interesting info, especially on something called 'Project I-Genome', then do bring it back with you." She continued.

"How long do I have?" I asked.

"A week." She stated. "Though I would suggest doing it tonight or tomorrow. The morning after tomorrow Stromford's dear CEO returns from out of the city. I would complete the job while the penthouse is empty."

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