Issue #76 - You're My Miracle

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The hero who considered me his own brother, dying in my arms. Soaked dark red with tears of blood.

"I care about my...two brother's safety the most. Please..." Miracle cracked a small smile. "...take care of him for me."

I cradled him in my arms as crimson seeped through his clothes. I begged for him not to go, clutching onto his body fading of life.

"It'll be okay..." Those were his last words to me. I watched as his eyes became empty and soulless. I watched as his body went limp in my arms.

He died to give me a chance.

And in his absence he asked for me to look over you, Gabriel. I decided that day to make sure I would fight until my last breath for your survival.

It didn't matter if the odds were abysmal. It didn't matter if it was an utterly meaningless and pointless task. I fully believed that you would never wake up.

But I would continue until the end.

I swore I'd finish what he started, even if I, myself, lost hope.

And now, after all this time...

...a miracle has occurred.

I stood outside Gabriel's door, glancing towards my companion. Siren stood next to me, a nervous look evident on her face.

I didn't want to overwhelm Gabriel, so I decided I would introduce everyone to him one person at a time, one day at a time.

Gabriel will be in the hospital for a while. He needs to fully recover from the repercussions of the coma. Making sure his health isn't a risk, physical therapy to relearn basic functions like walking, stuff like that.

It'll be a rough road, but if he's woken up after all these years, then he has the will to go through it.

Who am I kidding, it's Miracle's brother.

Of course he does.

But the first I introduced to him during his recovery had to be Siren. The mother who never got a chance to be one. When she had adopted Miracle and Gabriel, the latter was already stuck in the coma.

"Remember." I glanced towards her. "I'm 'Jason'. Jason the Miracle, not Jason the clone."

"Are you sure about this?" Siren asked. "He'll find out one day."

"I know. And when that time comes, if he hates me for that lie, then so be it." I replied. "But I can't tell him now. He's young and just out of a four year long coma."

"I don't want to give him any more pain right now." I clenched my fist. "He's in a much too vulnerable state right now."

Siren sighed. "I understand."

But...there's also one other reason.

Every time I ever talked to Gabriel while he was in his coma...I pretended to be Miracle. I pretended to be "Jason James".

Not the clone. But the original.

And I don't know how aware Gabriel was of the outside world during the coma. For all I know he's heard every time I've talked to him. For all I know he hasn't heard any. Or remembers none.

I'm already four years into this lie.

If it'll keep him safe for now, and give him someone to blame and hate down the road?

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