Issue #53 - The Demon Within The Fox

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(Foxfire POV)

I stood on top of the roof, my arms crossed as I waited for him to arrive. Today was the next night after the call, where I was told to arrive. I was wearing a different outfit than usual, opting for a black hoodie and pants with a black face mask that covered the lower half of my face.

"Are you copying my style?" A voice suddenly spoke from behind.

I glanced behind me, seeing that he had somehow arrived without me noticing. Whatever his power is, it's allowed him to stay under the radar like this.

He's even more dangerous than I had thought.

"Don't be ridiculous." I replied. "Keep spouting nonsense and see what happens."

He rolled his eyes in response. "What an attitude. I'm surprised you actually called. Aren't you supposed to be a hero?"

My hand tightened around the handle of my blade. "Do you really want to test me? Don't forget that you're the one who asked for help."

"Calm down." He sighed. "We're going to be meeting with a few other prospects in the building we're standing on."

"And you're telling me alone this, why?" I questioned.

"Because you're the one hero." He stated. "So this is your warning. Don't go fighting any of them. Don't go crossing us."

He stepped closer, staring me down in the eyes in a vain attempt at intimidation. "I don't know what your true motivations are, hero. Most likely you're acting as 'undercover'. You won't be getting anything of value from this except what I promised you."

He took a step back, turning and walking towards the edge of the building. He glanced back, placing his foot on the edge of the roof. "And even if you do, the moment you cross us is the moment you die."

He stepped off the edge, disappearing into the darkness. I walked to the edge, seeing stairs on the side of the building which he did not appear to be on.

Interesting. He's playing things smart, knowing that I could be tricking him as much as he could be tricking me. At the same time, however, he's also warned me.

Odd. What could his motive in that possibly be? It's almost as if he's desperate. Why do they need a hero so badly?

And there's the answer, even if I don't actually know the details yet. They need a hero. The only reason I was chosen is because I'm "easy to manipulate".

A poor, young hero who was cursed with power now gaining the chance to rid herself of it. The perfect target to twist to their little whims.

Don't play me for a fool, I understand this.

I flexed my gloved hands, gazing at them. My powers still haven't returned despite a whole day passing. Whatever that suppression serum is, it's real.

Maybe I really could be free of this curse.

If only things were that simple. Well, there's only one way to find out. Let's enter the building.

I descended down the stairs, making my way to the door of the building connected to the alleyway. With a single knock the door opened, revealing a tough looking man with an even tougher glare.

I walked past him, entering the building. He pointed towards a closed door, leading to where I assume the man had disappeared to.

I entered the room, revealing a table and four people around it. One of them was that same man, sitting at the head of the table. The other three were people I immediately recognized.

Minor villains, ranked danger level 1, Street, or danger level 2, Block. I've always kept a close eye on the Administration's villain list, going through it so many times that most of it is burned within my brain.

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