Issue #15 - I Hate You, Ski Mask

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(Stellar POV)

That annoying little-!

I hate him!

"He got away again!" I grumbled to myself, clutching at my hair as I paced around on top of the roof.

"Well, it could've been worse." Foxfire replied, looking over the edge of the roof. The police were outside of the bar, detaining the men in the red suits. The ambulance with the bouncer that Ski Mask had shot had already left. "There were no casualties. That's always a win."

"I know." I sighed. "It's just so frustrating. That's three times now he's evaded me, and we both know he's coming back."

"And who does he think he is, calling me his chivalrous bombshell!" I stomped my foot on the roof in anger, while still making sure to hold back my strength. "He pisses me off!"

"I wonder what everyone would think if they saw their Hero of Hope like this." Foxfire said, an amused tone showing through the distortion.

"You're right, I need to calm down." I sighed.

"I was more pointing it out because I thought it was funny." Foxfire stated. "I never would've imagined you were like this. You just seem so perfect from afar."

"I'm supposed to give the people hope." I replied. "I have to be."

"Don't worry, you're good at your job." Foxfire stated, patting my shoulder. "And we will take down this...Ski Mask fellow. Was that seriously the best you could come up with?"

"Don't blame me, he's always wearing a ski mask." I crossed my arms.

"Naming things is not your strong suit, apparently." Foxfire chuckled. "We better head back to the Administration quickly and report. After all, it's not often a villain evades you thrice."

"Rarely." I nodded. "Alright, come over here."

"Do we really have to...?" Foxfire sighed. "The Administration headquarters is close."

"Yes, but it's still faster if we fly." I smirked.

"Fine..." Foxfire walked over, allowing me to pick her up and put her into a princess hold. I floated off of the ground, before flying through the air at a moderate pace. A minute later and we landed outside the Administration, where I finally put Foxfire down.

"I'll never not feel embarrassed by that..." Foxfire muttered.

"Would you rather me carry you like a sack of potatoes?" I replied.

"No, actually..." She considered it. ", the shippers would still use that as fuel for fire."

"Are there that many fans that ship us?" I questioned. "It's only been a few months."

"You don't want to know..." Foxfire sweatdropped. " doesn't really bother me, but it's embarrassing to be shipped with my former idol."

"Hey, what do you mean former?" I lightly punched her shoulder in a playful way as we walked through the doors and into the lobby.

Everyone in the lobby turned towards us with warm smiles. "Stellar! Foxfire!" The receptionist greeted. "How can I help?"

"Hello." I brightly smiled. "Just stopping by for reports."

The receptionist nodded as the two of us turned and walked towards an elevator. The elevator doors opened, a few people leaving before we entered.

Now Foxfire and I stood in the elevator with a few other people in formal attire. They seemed excited and nervous, which I couldn't blame them for. I imagine it's quite the unique experience to be taking an elevator with superheroes.

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