-Peace or Doom-

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After Gaia and Madison started to land on planet Leiwei Madison looks out the window to see nobody outside though there is hand made buildings of rock and a large body of water around single islands. Some of the critters from the ocean and a few Ainnu's crawl on out in defense mode with sharp tooth spears.

Madison - "Well this isn't good... not good at all. Gaia can we leave!"

Gaia - "you're so quick to leave things.. just greet yourself"

Madison sighs and starts to walk to the exit. As she reaches the exit she looks back at Gaia nervous of what would happen next. She walks on outside as the spears get shoved into her face almost hitting her immediately. "Speak odd organism!" Madison backs up in fear unable to slip a word out. "SPEAK!" Madison starts panicking knowing she will die if she doesn't speak. "I-I mean no harm I swear!!" They look at each other and nod to put down the spears. They stand them up and look at Madison

Ainnu Warrior - "Why are you here strange creature on Leiwei. Why this planet and who or what are you..."

Madison - "I'm Madison.. my specie is Human.. and I thought it would've been a good place to land...I'm sorry for making you feel threatened."

Ainnu Warrior - "you can freely roam as long as you don't threaten anyone.."

Madison nods as she watched the knights walk away. She looks straight at Gaia scared and Whispers. "This is intensely scary.. but I'm super! Curious to learn more..". Gaia sighs "Of course Madison..." she smiles and grabs Gaias hand to go explore. As both space explorers adventures through the area they stumble across some odd creature that almost looked similar to the earth axolotl. Zalares looks up at them excited. "Hello new comers!! It's been so long since I've seen new faces!" Zalares says happily. Madison sighs "we are just uhm.. visitors from another planet!" Gaia looks at Madison a bit disappointed. "What.. I can't think of anything else..." Zalares walks up to them.

Zalares - "So can you breathe underwater like the others here?"

Madison and Gaia - "No."

Zalares - "Oh okay.."

Gaia scans her to figure out the certain specimen she, Zalares is known as.. "the 'Axolotl' looking creature is a phesa. They can get sick easily and they have small stomachs so they get full fast..but they're very hyper" Madison stares at the giant red planet up above. Gaia puts a hand on her shoulder. "that's Crorix... we are currently on one of their moons but it's high on heat but abandoned or.. demolished by an incident that happened there" Madison sits on the ground gazing at the stars. "I don't want to leave space... it's... beautiful and calm.." Gaia sighs rubbing her head "Well.. sometimes we're going to need to..." Both Gaia and Madison head back inside their ship to get some rest in for the night.

On the next day, they wake up to a loud crash outside of the ship. "What was that!" Madison gets up to rush on outside to check it out just to face a comet that hit the ground. "Oh.. that's what it was.." she walks up to the comet but Gaia stops her "Madison it could be burning up...you could possibly melt your skin off if you went near that" Madison nods and stays away from the comet until a little while later.

Madison - "It's peaceful here until the night hits from what I notice..."

Gaia smiles - "Yeah... it is to a point.."

They both get to exploring together and staying cautious of each other's surroundings.

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