-Dark Within-

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Eximut is still passed out after being taken into the void.

Zoson - "you sure she's alright? She hasn't been up in quite a bit. Because you just walked in here with her. In your arms."

Drevin grunts "Shut up.."

Zoson - "but really! She's still passed out!"

Drevin - "Zoson Shut UP!!!"

Zoson - "fine fine.."

Drevin continues to watch over Eximut. "Wake up" he mumbles as he rubs her cheek. Nehis walks in on him caressing Eximuts cheek "what the hell are you doing." Drevin is startled and stands up straight as he clears his throat "nothing. Just watching her." Nehis stares at him intensely then walks away. Right as Eximut wakes up, Drevin stands away from her

Eximut - "where am I....?"

Drevin - "The void which is now your home"

Eximut - "oh. Alright!"

She gets up, her head starts pounding "Ugh. Owww...." He sighs "stay down for a bit I'll come back to you soon" she smiles "alright."

Once he gets going, she sits up and looks around for an exit "finally.." she starts flying out to test her new abilities. "Why is it so high up..." she flies even faster managing to get out "Yes!" She accidentally sets off a super nova "oops... well at least I know what I can do.." she looks for a solar system to try it on, as soon as she finds one she tries it on one of the stars, it isn't what she expected it would be.. it explodes massively in her face "AH!" As she tried covering herself Drevin blocks her from the blast covering her. Once the blast clears up left with stars and color.. she looks up to see him "hey." He smiles, looking down at her "Hi.. uhm thanks.." she gets up and wipes herself off "mind explaining why you ran away?" Eximut shakes her head looking a way from him. "Alright then.." she flies off, Nehis bumps into her "HEY!" Eximut looks at him startled "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE FLYING!!" She rushes away "sorry..!!"

~Drevin's POV~

Drevin flies back to the void right as he noticed Arinem.

Arinem - "where is she..."

Drevin - "she's testing her power."

Arinem - "I needed her Drevin you fool!!"

Drevin - "Just let her have her own time for a bit! She will be back!! If not I'll bring her back when she's done."

Arinem - "Keep your word.. you break it I'll hurt you endlessly.."

Drevin looks away from him and walks away to cause destruction. Teson goes over to him "What's your attitude for?" Drevin ignores him "Hellooooo?" He continues to be ignored "Raneg is on his way.. Arinem will need your help to get rid of him." He grunts and flies out of the void "GO AWAY RANEG!" Raneg stands in place "NOT UNTIL YOU HAND ME WHAT BELONGS TO ME!" Drevin grabs a planet and destroys it as he throws it towards Raneg. "?!" Eximut blinds Raneg with a super nova "AGH!!!" Drevin sends him away from the void "Thank you Eximut..." she nods and looks behind him.

Arinem smiles at her sinisterly...


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