-Friendship Making?-

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While Gaia and Madison check out the planet Leiwei. Madison had made a few friends well.. only many didn't trust her which she understood. When night came they knew they had to find shelter in order to not die to what lurks in the dark. After long hours of staying up from caution it was day.

Madison - "You still alive Gaia?"

Gaia - "of course I am Madison, We should really head back to the ship. It's best if we do we don't want it raided"

Madison - "alright whatever you say Gaia.."

They walk out of the cave they found for shelter and start rushing to the ship. Gaia was more worried about it than Madison. She just looked at the nature and the little animal like species there. They both notice the comet has cooled down and something as crawled out of it. They see Zalares looking at the trail of slime.

Zalares - "I know who it is... he's no good though..."

Madison - "Do you know what he looks like exactly?"

Zalares - "Big and Bulky, Tall, like Taller than me.. and creepy looking..."

Gaia - "Mes'ot?"

Zalares nods and hides scared. "Just. Just try to get back to your ship safely! We don't want two dead outlanders..." Gaia nods and starts dragging Madison to the ship.

Madison - "Gaia!"

Gaia - "don't you Gaia me. I know you very well we are NOT looking for this Mes'ot!!"

Madison - "UGHHH! You're always No fun.."

Once they both have reached the ship, they get it open and rush inside. Madison sees a small hand made gift on the seat for her."what's this...?" She checks it out to see a hand made necklace and snacks from Leiwei with a note saying 'use these treats wisely.. too much who knows what the effects would be' Madison smiles to the note and stores the snacks and the necklace in a special spot in the ship. Gaia walks over to the the controls of the ship."you ready Madi?" She nods. "Yeah.. I guess" Gaia gets the ship ready for takeoff right as something lands on the window of the ship. "AH!" They stay put in the Ship.

Mes'ot - "Afraid....?"

Madison looks at it not afraid and she smiles as she whispers to Gaia. "Can I pet it..?" Gaia slaps her hand gently. "No! Of course not!" Madison sighs right as she sees the Met'ot get stabbed directly into the back. "Gah.!" Gunara shows himself behind the Met'ot with a spear.

Gunara - "You both can go now.. I'll take care of this one"

Madison - "Thank you!

Madison takes the controls of the ship and takes off "Crorix we go Gaia!!" Gaia sighs already knowing what will happen next. It had taken the two at least a few hours to get to Crorix.

Madison - "I'm going to see so much here! Probably my father that my mom said lived here.. but I'm going to love this adventure!!"

Gaia - "oh what will I ever do with you Madison...."

Madison lands the ship directly on Crorix's sands and admires the beauty of the planet.


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