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Third person's point of view...

i saw freen earlier but i didnt speak i mean i dont know what on her mind right now but it would be better if i stay out of her bussiness i can help but to tell her what to do no i dont have a right even if i want to stop her because i know what can be the result but then i want to stay out of it...

after an hour i decided to call everyone since all of my guest is already here and its already 8 at the night i come to freens room and knock on their door.

i call her

becky open the door i can see that it really give her a hard time hayst i should really stop her...

the party will going to start i need you both down.
i said good thing i brought a crime with me

sure ill be down
freen said and immedately stand up and walk pasting me and her assistant

becky put this there... after you go down okay.
i said and leave becky with a confused reaction

Becky's POV

After applying some crime that p'prim gave me i immedately go down and she is ending her speech..

Again i want to thank everyone who come in this place just to support me thankyoy so much for your efforts and for your endless support to me especially to this person i would like to invite her to the stage you can all ask her and please come in the spotlight FREEN SAROCHA CHAKIMHA...
she saids and freen immedately come up to the stage and smile so bright she really loves what she is doing

first i want to thank prim for inviting me haha this place is really relaxing...
she said nervously then a reporter ask something

miss chakimha we found out that you've faced many obstacle to get in that position can you share the biggest obstacle that you've faced to become very successsful right now
the reporter ask her

well for the biggest obstacle was... love.
she said with a smile but it feels like the reporter is not yet sutisfied

love can you explain because love is a inperation for others but how come its an obstacle for you to be that successful?
the reporter ask her again

to be honest for me love can be an insperation but can also ruin your life i mean when i heard the word LOVE for me we all know what we want to do, but we are affraid of hurting those people around us by abandoning them and everything in order to pursue our dreams. we do not realize that love is just a futher impetus, not something that will prevent us on going forward, and that those who genuinely wish us well want us to be happy and are prepared to accompany us on that journey is first our self we need a support system but us our self is also a biggest support that we all can have i mean i know  not everyone can understand what am i talking about but for me love is the biggest obstacle that made me this successful and stronger...
she said while i know that she is directly looking at me making me realize those words that i am the biggest obstacle of her life  i was cut with my though when a another reporter ask her again

what about changing like every one know and saying that you really change a lot...
the reporter ask her again

changing interesting question... we all made new friends, and we didn't need to spend all the times with them. when someone sees the same people everyday, as had happened with  him at that person seminary, they wind up becoming a part of that persons life. and then they want the person to change they are trying to change that person to pleases them and if that person didnt change like what the others want them to be, the other person become angry. everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives,  but none about them his or her owns that life that they wanna change.
freen explain that made the crowd become silent and amazed by her humor and the way that she thinks

but what is your answer  did you really change is it for someone or for your self.
the reporter ask her again and for the third time she look at me again

it is for my self actually i wanna prove my self something that i am more than just a talented artist i can be like this i wanna prove my self to my self so i change for my own good i mean i dont need to change for any one like why would you change your self to those person whos just trying to distroyed you...
she said and i felt i little bit guilt by that i remember how i control her before but i just dont want her to be like my grandfather so...  i was about to leave when i heard that some one ask her again

what about in life for you what love teaches you?
the reporter ask her again

im going to become bitter and distrustful of people because one person already betrayed me. im going to hate those who have found their treasure in a good way because i never found mine. and im going to hold on to what titlle i have, because im too significant to conquer the world there is no such coincidence for me like people need not  fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want...
freen said and look away from me and start smilling in the crowd like arghh why am i feeling this way the f*ck her words is hitting me.

okay i think we got so much knowledge from freen once again thankyou all for coming and especially to freen lets give a hand on her...
prim come up to the stage again and they all clap their hands while freen is going down i have to go

i was on my way to the other side of the place when i bumped into someone.

im really sorry.
i said and i was shock when i saw her its irin oh my god what is she doing here.

bec why are you crying what happen?
she ask me oh f*ck i didnt realize that one

no im not its just that i think i have something in my eye can you check it for me.
i said but she hitted my head instead

stop f*cking lying i heard everything we all heard everything and i know that those words is for you bec but i didnt expect that your still affected.
she said while hugging me god why are making me felt this way i hate this i f*cking hate it

no worries im fine its just that i cant still you know haha...
i said and we both got shock when noey suddenly call her...

hey hon what are you doing here with becky.
noey said and we both faced her i git shock when i saw freen with her f*ck why now.

oh rebecca your here i've been looking for you since earlier.
she said and come closer to me

i ask her

what the heck are you drunk or what because your my assistant and you should be assisting me.
she said while irin and noey is walking away

and if i dont want.
i said trying to stop my tear from falling but i know that she can notice it

why does my words hurting you god rebecca your such a cry baby wheres the becky who pushes me and told me that im a type of loser huhh?
she said looking at me full of anger

i said feeling defeat because i fail to stop them frok falling

f*ck up rebecca because im just starting.

hi BB's good evening hope you all like this chapter some lines are from the book the Alchemist better check that book i learn a lot from reading paulo ceolho's book have a nice reading dont for get to vote for this chapter and to follow my account mwua🐰

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