[6] Stalker?!

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After leaving the drama club and noticing that the sun had set, Taro and Ayato began walking together to their school's gate. While they were talking, Taro reflected on the play, excitedly recalling the events.

"You were so cool! The way you confessed your love and promised that if it wasn't true, he could kill you." Taro said enthusiastically. "And that line. Killer!"

Ayato was taken aback when Taro suddenly imitated a serious expression. "For you," He dramatically proclaimed. "I'm crazy with love," clutching at his heart in theatrical flair.

Although Ayato didn't care about acting on stage, Taro's display started affecting him. "Shut up."

"Oh?" Taro sounded surprised. "Is that...embarrassment I hear?"

Ayato rolled his eyes, looking away as they walked. "Yeah, right. Spare me. Like when you thought we stumbled upon a dead body."

Taro dropped his arms, "Hey, not fair! You thought the same. I could tell."

"Really?" Ayato smirked, teasing. "I don't recall clinging to you, shaking and trembling while you called my name."

"I—" Taro flushed at the unexpected comment, nudging Ayato's shoulder. "I was scared, okay? It felt real, and I reacted. You can't blame me."

"A-Ayato!" Ayato mimicked a dramatic tone. "Don't leave me behind. Stay with me!"

"I never said that!"

"You didn't? I can remember you did."

"N-no! I would remember saying that. You're just messing with me." Taro huffed, growing increasingly frustrated.

Ayato let out a chuckle before reaching his hand out to ruffle Taro's hair. "I know. I'm kidding." He stopped, meeting Taro's eyes. "I wouldn't leave you even if we found a real dead body, you know?"

As Taro locked eyes with him, he thought back to the scene. The reassurance in Ayato's voice and his composed demeanour brought him at ease. He felt himself nodding, casting his gaze down. "I know. I trust you."

The words settled in as Ayato let go, nodding back. "Let's hope it never comes to that."

"Don't jinx it," Taro groaned as they headed to their lockers.

As they were busy switching their shoes, Ayato noticed that Osano's shoes were still in their place, indicating that he hadn't left the school building. Ayato figured he headed straight home after his previous club leader had rejected his request to join. If he wasn't home, and he hadn't texted them either, where could he be?

Ayato glanced at Taro, who looked ready to leave. He wondered if he should inform Taro about Osano's whereabouts, but his gut told him to refrain from saying anything. If the previous events were any indication, Taro wouldn't handle bad news well.

Looking puzzled, Taro asked, "Something up, Ayato? Ready to head out?"

Debating, Ayato quickly fabricated an excuse. "You go ahead. I need to swing by the nurse's office and check for infections."

"I can wait," Taro insisted, but Ayato shook his head. "It's late. You should head home before your folks worry."

"True," Taro agreed, though seeming disappointed. "See you tomorrow then?"

"Of course," Ayato nodded.

"Alright then..." Taro hesitated, clearly reluctant to walk home alone. Typically, he'd walk with Osano, assuming he'd left. Left with no choice, he glanced at Ayato before leaving. "See you tomorrow."

Ayato waved him off. "Take care."

Once Taro was out of sight, Ayato turned around, wondering where to check first. Since clubs were wrapping up, he skipped those areas. With other floors closed, he had the outside and the nurse's office.

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