Cheers To The Dumbest Decision Ever Made

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They know me! How do Lena and Natalie know me? Did they really know Mom? Just how close are the two packs? I was confused and bothered by the unknown.

I tried to recollect the past, but I couldn't remember the red flame pack and the power axis pack relating to each other before my mother and father's demise.

Besides, the Power Axis Pack is big compared to the developing Red Flame one, so how come their words make it feel like they knew me and my parents? Just what's happening? Did Uncle Henry know beforehand that something was going to happen? Is that why he covered it up by trying to kill...

"Did you get a picture of Filippa?" Lena suddenly questioned Natalie, which made me freeze.

My heart began to pound against my chest.

If they have one, my secret will surely be revealed. My heart was caught in my throat. I strained my ears to hear her reply. Will I need to run now or what?

"No." Natalie responded with a sad tone: "I heard she had been battling with depression ever since her parents' deaths, and she refused to meet anyone, so there was no way they could take a picture." I heard Natalie say, which made me clench my fist in anger.

'Bullshit!' Maia bemoaned. 'Those jerks were the ones to kill us, yet they were acting as if they were compassionate to us in front of the Power Axis Pack.'

"Excuse me." I conveyed and shrugged Wyatt's hold before leaving their midst with complicated emotions coursing through me.

Why? What's happening? Why is the Power Axis Pack interested in Filippa and the Red Flame Pack? Why are they out for Filippa? What do they know?

I buried the complex feeling for later, upon seeing Nancy, who was quietly drinking in a corner with Eve and a group of friends I had never met.

"Hi." I waved to her upon arriving at their spot.

"Hi," Nancy replied to me in a strange deadpan tone and turned away from me, which left me baffled. Did something happen?

"What's wrong?" I grabbed her hand in concern and inquired in one of the most gentle tones I could ever muster. Nancy is my friend, and seeing her sad is something I don't want to see.

Nancy glared at me with a look full of hatred and smacked my hand away, leaving a red sting on my hand. "You've been lying to me, haven't you?" She fired at me, her friends giving me a scorned gaze.

I was shocked by the sudden hostility and even more confused by what was playing out. What's happening tonight?

My lips parted in disbelief. I've been lying? How?


"You purposely drowned yourself and pretended to faint just to capture Beta Wyatt's attention. Moreover, you feigned uninterest in him, but it turns out that you were scheming to be his partner, which was the reason you applied to be his maid. Furthermore, you were the beta's partner for the night, yet you enjoyed watching us display and argue around like a clown." She hollered and hissed at me with burning hatred.

My eyes widened at all the hilarious accusations; I didn't expect Nancy to think or speak this way: "What? No. Nancy, how can I do that? I didn't know either." I tried to clarify myself, but she hissed at me and began to chat with her friends, acting as if I weren't there.

I pursed my lips upon seeing her lack of interest in continuing the conversation with me. "I guess we'll talk later," I uttered, and I turned away calmly, a bit broken by her actions.

"Why is she angry in the first place? It's not as if Beta Wyatt is hers, and you need to inform her about everything and our choices. Besides, it's not even our fault in the first place. We were also shocked." Maia muttered angrily, but I shrugged, unperturbed.

Although I knew Maia was right, Nancy is someone who means a lot to me, and I didn't want to fight with her. I kept thinking that a misunderstanding must have caused this and that I needed to clarify things with her later.

Before I could take another step toward Beta Wyatt, a figure carrying a platter of wine suddenly tripped and collided with me, all the contents she carried pouring on me and wetting my lace gown instantly.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She cried out in a quivering tone and tried to use her kerchief to wipe my stained dress.

"Stop," I ordered coldly before she could touch me, and her hands froze in the air with awkwardness.

Her sadness turned into contempt; perhaps she was expecting me to make a reaction—like slap her—that'll ensure I'm kicked out, but I shook her hand away and calmly took a step back.

I bit my lower lips in disappointment.

I don't need to know that they schemed this to happen; after all, I've gone through many types of schemes at the Red Flame Pack.

I heard a coy laugh behind me. I took a glance at the side to see Nancy smirking evilly while her friends scorned my current self.

Maia and I were filled with anger instantly. How dare she? I've been so reserved, despite doing nothing wrong; how can she do such a thing to us? For a man who wasn't hers, really?

Seeing another waiter bring glasses of cocktails toward my side, I smiled, took a glass of cocktail, and walked to Nancy and her group of friends. Their smiles froze.

I could taste their shock and fear of my reaction.

Unlike what they were thinking, I raised the glass with my head held high, posed elegantly, and acted unfazed in front of them. "Cheers to the dumbest decision ever made." I announced and raised my glass to none, "I never expected Nancy to be dumb enough to do this..." I whispered and took a sip of the cocktail.

"I guess I was proven wrong." I declared.

Now everyone's eyes are on us, but I don't care a bit.

Nancy stood up, flustered, and glared at me. "What? What do you mean?"

"Ah. You can do it, but you can't admit it." I smirked and walked toward her condescendingly. She stuttered, obviously shocked by the authoritativeness I was showing.

I bent lowly and whispered next to her ears with a smirk, "It's hilarious if you think resorting to silly tricks will faze me. Wake up; Beta Wyatt doesn't belong to you, nor does he need to tell you his decisions. You only crush on him of your own accord, not his. Besides, I didn't know in the first place, so it's not my fault." I whispered and smirked when I saw her pale.

Without sparing her a further glance, I left her side and returned the cocktail to the waiter, whom I took a drink from before I asked him where the restroom was, which he pointed to me while blushing and stuttering.

'Finally, you stand up for yourself in front of that sly bitch.' Maia grunted sarcastically as I made my way past different bodies, some throwing flirty gazes my way.

I ignored them and focused on Maia. Had it been Maia, she would have thrown the cocktail at Nancy as a payback.

'Give them an inch, and they'll take a fucking mile.' I spat and turned on one of the faucets.

It's hilarious to believe Nancy will do such a thing to embarrass me because I didn't inform her beforehand.

I didn't mind if I was at fault, but I was also an innocent party.

Ugh! Why would she turn her back on me for such a ridiculous reason? So stupid.

I considered her to be a friend.

I took a deep breath before walking out of the restroom. The restroom had two directions; one was the one I came from, which led to the party.

Wanting to take a breather from everything, I decided to walk in the opposite direction, and surprisingly, it led to the garden in the background, which was Luna Lorelei's exclusive garden.

At this rate, I didn't care whether it belonged to Lorelei or not; all I did was sit down to take a fucking breather.

"Running out of the hall before the party began, how disrespectful of the beta's partner?" A voice tutted behind