Filippa's Nobleness

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King James, the Alpha of the Mystery Pack, to whom Alpha Henry planned to marry me off before changing his mind: what was he doing here? Did the pack invite other pack Alphas to the celebration?

My hand flew to my face to cover it while I hoped he didn't recognize me or else my identity would be revealed, but upon remembering that my picture was never taken, I sighed in relief.

I let out a gasp upon remembering something: "Uhm. Beta... I mean, Wyatt, were the Red Flame Pack also invited?" I inquired, my heart skipping a beat.


"Are they here?" I clenched my fist hard, my breathing coming out in a rush.

"No. They're grieving the late Filippa's death and won't be attending any celebration in the meantime." Beta Wyatt explained, which sent fury through me.

Those criminals will definitely be celebrating my death instead of grieving. I bet they're holding a feast in celebration. "Bullshit. As if they..." I paused, and my hands flew to my mouth upon realizing the mistake I almost made.

Beta Wyatt turned to me; his brows arched slightly. "They?" He repeated.

I bit my lower lips and tried to find the perfect lie to tell. I shook my head and cleared my throat. "It's nothing." I pretended to brush nonexistent dirt off my silver hair and said, "The power axis pack is one of the biggest packs in the wolf tribe; they can't ditch that to come here." I quickly switched the words and sighed in relief when Beta Wyatt didn't seem to notice my mistake.

Beta Wyatt shook his head, complex emotions flashing past his eyes. "They won't because of Filippa's nobleness." He revealed, which made me knit my brows in confusion.

"Isn't Filippa just the princess of the Red Flame Pack? What do you mean by her nobleness? I don't understand." I stared at him with curiosity, hoping he'd clarify for me.

But before he could reply to me, a handsome man in his twenties came toward us to exchange greetings with Beta Wyatt.

I was so filled with anxiety throughout Wyatt and the person's interaction that I was unable to reply to the person properly. I wanted to know more about my nobleness, which I never knew about.

I didn't realize that there were many secrets I didn't know, and now I realize that I'll need to stay in the power axis pack more than I thought.

As if realizing my eagerness, immediately after the person left, Wyatt chuckled and said, "Filippa's mom is..."

"And there is Beta Wyatt and his partner." The host suddenly pointed to us, interrupting our conversations and skillfully catching our attention.

I sighed in distress due to the interruption.

"Beta Wyatt, the current beta of the Power Axis Pack, has found one of the best rare plants used in destroying our enemies. This was a search that had been taking place for over three decades, but in less than three months, he was able to make it happen. Beta Wyatt, will you please come up to the stage?" The host had such a tongue that kept making everyone clap and laugh, and in a few seconds, we were on the podium with the host.

My breath stiffened as Alpha James made his way to us with a glass of liquor in his hand. My hand held onto Beta Wyatt's hand tightly. I could feel the sweat breaking through my skin. I purposely let my silver hair fall forward to hide my face.

"Beta Wyatt. Congratulations on your success." Alpha James said with a loud chuckle. His eyes were pinned on me, and he kept on eyeing me with lust.