because you're mine

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“Running out of the hall before the party began, how disrespectful of the beta's partner?” A voice tutted behind me.

I turned to take a glance at a grinning Asher, who was the last person I expected to see here.

Thinking about it now, I haven't caught a glimpse of him all night, but now seeing him, I realize why so many mateless ladies are falling over him.

Asher was in a deep blue suit, and his hair was styled in a curtain hairstyle. He looked like a devious bad boy with that smirk on his face.

I stood up and bowed slightly. “Doctor.” Upon remembering his words, I changed my address to “Asher…”

Asher made his way out of the flowers and walked toward me with a crafty smile on his face. “You looked feisty in the hall earlier; how come it was the opposite when you saw me? Are you enchanted by me?” Asher inquired with a flirty gaze, and his hand suddenly wrapped around my waist.

He leaned forward, almost making our noses touch each other, resulting in a chaotic heartbeat for me.

I frowned slightly at the unusual heartbeat that accompanied Asher's touch.

I was already carrying an illegal torch for Oswald and Wyatt; why is Asher still capable of stirring my heart up? What's wrong with me?

Even if I wanted to fall in love with someone, it shouldn't be a famous one-night-stand playboy, no matter how nice he is to me; never should it.

I took a step away from Asher, which calmed my heartbeat rate slightly while I tried to keep a perfect gentle smile on my face. “I am Beta Wyatt's partner for the night.” I conveyed in a firm tone the hope that Asher would back away.

Contrary to my thoughts, Asher took a step toward me and eyed me from head to toe with a mischievous smirk on his face.

“How about mine next time? You looked so beautiful tonight; more beautiful than any woman I have ever come across.” He praised me with a sincere tone, but his gaze was still flirty, and his hand moved to grab my chin.

No wonder he's a playboy who always has women throwing themselves at him; not only did he have such a devilishly handsome face, he had such a charming voice, and he had a sweet tongue that's capable of stealing a woman's heart.

Unfortunately, I don't want to be among those women.

I took another step back and swatted his hand away, albeit gently, “How bad? Beta Wyatt and my partnership aren't a one-time thing.” I revealed with a smirk while crossing my arms.

Asher didn't seem fazed by my words; instead, he nodded, “Oh. Then I'll make it work.” Completing his words, he placed a kiss on my cheeks, which made my eyes widen.

“Hey,” I yelled at him and quickly wiped my cheeks. I was completely infuriated by his actions, but Asher didn't seem to take what he had just done to me as a big deal; instead, he backed away from me and began to make his way to the hall while looking at me.

He pointed at me and winked at me, saying, “That's the promise. By the way, that's a nice story about your mate.” He uttered with a flirty smirk, and before I could respond, he had entered the hall.

“Jerk,” I whispered and rolled my eyes. Although I should have been infuriated, I found myself amused. Asher is a bit silly and cute. Unfortunately, he's a playboy doctor.

Suddenly, a hand tugged on my wrist, and before I could process anything, I crashed into someone's muscular chest.

I exhaled as tingles began to run through my skin. I felt more complete than I ever have, and it made me want to never leave his embrace, even if I knew that I'd soon do so.

“Alpha Oswald. I didn't expect you to be the type to sneak up on someone.” I whispered as his agarwood scent invaded my nose.

Suddenly, his finger began to trail through my spine, sending tingles through me and making my heartbeat increase. I clutched his hand, not knowing whether to let him stop or continue.

My rational side wanted Oswald to stop because there were many reasons for that. However, the other side wanted him to continue.

After a few seconds of battling with myself, I swatted his hand away, but in a few minutes, he clamped my hand and began to trail his finger through my spine.

He leaned toward my ear and gently began to breathe hot air into my ear, making my rational side begin to waver.

Not to deny it, Alpha Oswald has a face that can make a woman run mad. Not to mention his light whisper and the hot air he was gently blowing into my sensitive ear, I could hardly stop myself from throwing myself at him.

“I didn't expect you to not listen to my order; we're arrogant, aren't we?” Ending his words, he bit my ear fiercely, making me hiss in pain.

I pushed the remorseless Oswald away from me and rubbed my painful ear while glaring at him. “Telling me to accept an uneven law you don't follow, who does that?” I glared at him as he began to close in on me again.

What's his problem? Why is he being so touchy when he has his own partner?

“Besides…” I smacked his grabbing hand away. “You have a partner; why can't I have one?”

Before I could complete my word, he pinned me to the wall. Although I tried to struggle against his hold, I was unable to break free from him.

Oswald smirked at me and grabbed my chin; his mismatched eyes flashed with an even light, making my heartbeat erratic. “Because you're mine.” He said this and lowered his head to kiss me.

I quickly shifted my face away to stop him from advancing. “Stop being a jerk.” I caution while struggling from his hold.

Oswald gave me an amused smile. Undoubtedly, he enjoyed how I was unable to break free from him. Stupid Alpha.

He leaned forward and grazed my cheeks. “Who's the jerk? You who dare claim that I was dead right to my face…”

“Hm. Hm.” A clearing voice suddenly sounded, which made us turn to the side. I froze when Beta Wyatt came into the garden.

He gave Alpha Oswald and me a cold look, which made my heartbeat increase. “What are you two doing?”

SAMPLE: IN BETWEEN THE ALPHA, BETA AND THE PLAYBOY Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz