you fall asleep on them *friends but crushing*

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


You & the boys sit around the fireplace in the Slytherin common room, studying for a test. 

It's late at night, when you get all sleepy

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It's late at night, when you get all sleepy...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

✦ "hey y/n, i need to turn the page"

✦ "dude i think she's asleep", theo whispers

✦ he tries not to smile (fails)

✦ lowkey flattered but would never admit it

✦ will literally sit as still as he possibly can

✦ shushes the others to stay quiet

✦ gently nudges you to go to your dorm, helps you upstairs

✦ will NOT let you forget the incident

✦ mocks you for weeks (haters will say it's his love lingo)

Mattheo Riddle

✦ wraps his arms around you

✦ physical touch >>>

✦ gently stroking your arms

✦ notices right away that you doze off

✦ kinda makes his heart ache all kinds of ways that you feel safe around him

✦ will hand out death stares for free at anyone who makes fun of you

✦ carries you bridal style to your dorm and tucks you in with a big smile

Theodore Nott

✦ this man's not even studying, he's busy playing with your hair

✦ notices you're sleepy & wraps u in a blanket

✦ enjoys being near you WAY more than he'd ever admit

✦ starts to get sleepy too

✦ at the end of the study session, the others have to snap him awake

✦ will try wake you to get you to your dorm

✦ ends up carrying you

Lorenzo Berkshire

✦ you rest your head on enzo's shoulder

✦ he keeps studying when mattheo quietly mouthes: "y/n's asleep brother"

✦ enzo shushes him (internally grinning)

✦ your breathing comforts him

✦ as the other boys keep talking, he softly closes his eyes and nudges closer

✦ ends up falling asleep too

✦ the two of you wake up next morning in the same position, both blushing

Pansy Parkinson

✦ pansy studying? no way. 

✦ she's scrolling through her phone

✦ makes you rest your head on her lap

✦ starts to gently comb through your hair (you pass out in no time)

✦ she grins at the sight of you

✦ whisper-screams as soon as the guys raise their voices 

✦ "can't you see y/n's sleeping? idiots"

✦ makes them carry you upstairs

Tom Riddle

tom studying with the others? as if. you falling asleep ON him? oh my delulu baby. but i guess there's another way...

he sits in a corner by himself, reading

✦ "hey tom, can i stay with you for a bit?"

✦ he rolls his eyes "do i have a choice?"

✦ grunts but lets you stay (a win is a win)

✦ you read in silence for a while

✦ after tom finishes his book, he looks up to find you sound asleep

✦ watches you with mixed feelings

✦ stands up & leaves, only to come back 1 minute later

✦ drapes a blanket over u (😭) wants to avada himself

✦ will cuss on the way out but keeps it down

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Question of the day:

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Question of the day:

Who would make you feel comfortable enough to actually fall asleep on them?

Who would make you feel comfortable enough to actually fall asleep on them?

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