you confess your love for them *heartbreak edition*

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You & the boys are in the Slytherin common room, sitting by the fireplace, just talking about your day. Suddenly, one of them stands up to leave. 

Having a weird gut feeling, you decide to follow them and cautiously ask: "Everything okay?"

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Having a weird gut feeling, you decide to follow them and cautiously ask: "Everything okay?"

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Draco Malfoy

You quickly run after Draco who's about to head upstairs to his dorms. As he starts climbing the stairwell, you follow him and clear your throat. As soon as he notices you, he frowns: "Just let it go, Y/n." "What's wrong?", you ask worried, only standing one level beneath him now. "You know you can talk to me, right?" You softly grab his shoulder but he shrugs you off roughly. "Good night, Y/n." 

This isn't like him at all, you think. Just when Draco starts moving, you quickly catch him by the wrist. "I'm not letting you leave like this. Talk to me. Please." He turns around with an angry frown. "Can't you just leave me alone for ONCE?", he spits. "Stop acting like you control me!" You take a step back. You're used to him being a prick to everyone else, but not you. "Why are you being like this?!", you whisper, tears prickling in your eyes. He shakes his head and murmurs: "It's better this way, Y/n. Trust me." "Better for who? You or me? What are you even talking about?!" 

He closes his eyes. "I can't do this right now. You have to let it go." His voice echoes in the stairway as he starts to leave. You stand there unbelievingly. "Are you serious right now?!", you shout. You feel other students peaking up the stairwell to see what's going on, so you quickly climb the rest of the steps. At the top, you find Draco standing in the corridor leading up to his dorm, still not facing you. You walk towards him but stop at a distance. 

Gathering all your courage, you quietly say: "Draco, please don't do this." A single tear runs down your cheek. "I don't know what's going on but... you aren't being yourself." Your heartbeat quickens. "I know it's a lot, with your father and everything, but..." You start to shake. "I love you, Dray. You're more than my friend. Don't be this way, please."

You can't believe you finally said it out loud. Those three little words. You continue: "I've been meaning to tell you for weeks, but..." The muscles in his shoulders tense. All of a sudden, he turns around, a tormented look on his face. "Stop saying this. Just stop!" Tears fall down your cheeks and you look at him totally startled. "What?!" 

His face grows cold again. "You and me, it can never be. You hear me? Now leave me alone. And this time, it better be for good." You'll never forget his face in that moment. As he walks away, you feel your heart ripping into a million pieces with every step he takes. 

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