you get your memory back *after being obliviated*

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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


3 months ago, you were obliviated. After countless hours of research, you lose all hope that you'll ever get your memory back. One day, you get a letter from Dumbledore to meet in his office. 

As you walk inside, you can't believe your eyes

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As you walk inside, you can't believe your eyes...

As you walk inside, you can't believe your eyes

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In the middle of the room is a pensieve - 

a magical device used to store & view memories - 

and in front of it stands...

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Draco Malfoy

"Draco? What are you doing in Dumbledore's office?" you ask irritated

✦ He chuckles "Surprise, darling. I asked a favor from Snape and... well, he had a word with Dumbledore, we're all alone. And before you start worrying - they know we're here." 

✦ "You asked Snape for help?!" You raise your eyebrow

✦ "I might have pulled some strings..." Draco murmurs with a grin

✦ "Okay, but... what exactly are we doing here?" you ask again

✦ Draco's expression shifts & he grabs both of your hands

✦ "Y/n", he starts slowly, "I know we both realized there's no way to reverse the obliviate spell but... what if there was a different way to get your memories back? What if we watched them, from the outside?" 

✦ Your heartbeat quickens "In the pensieve?" 

✦ Draco nods "I've extracted my own memories, and asked our friends to help me out, too. We gathered all our memories of you. It's all in there." 

✦ You look at the basin & your eyes suddenly water

✦ "How long have you been planning this?" you whisper

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