The Mysterious Child

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3rd Pov

We see a foggy plain that soon clears out revealing a giant skull of a monster with a statue on top of it overlooking a small town but in said town the cries of infants echo loudly through the air and we see a church where an old man steps out of to greet the two small children in baskets

Father: two more for us huh? He knees down taking the baskets and carrying them inside of the church

As soon as the man enters the church a cloaked figure lands near the front of the church door making no sound as if they weighed nothing before they look down to their right arm cradling an infant who's staring up at them with an inquisitive look

Cloaked Figure: it's best you stay hidden from everyone and live a normal life young one. The cloaked figure pats the child's head be strong, Bahamut and with that the baby is set down on the ground with a not attached to its blanket and the figure takes off causing the child to cry loudly

Father: what? It can't be three in a row!? He looks around and down again to see the baby scream crying on the ground as he rushes to pick them up where did you come from all of a sudden... he takes the note and reads it Bahamut... he looks down at the baby who's reaching up for him and notices the pointed ears as he gives his finger to hold well, Bahamut, how about you meet, Asta and Yuno. He walks into the church once more as the doors close behind him

15 years later
Still 3rd Pov

We see the villagers doing their average everyday work during the day with the partly cloudy skies with the sun shining brightly but it's quickly interrupted by the screaming of a certain young man


at the church we see a silver haired boy with a determined expression on his face talking to a woman dressed in an all black nuns uniform and in the nearby tree we catch a glimpse of someone laying on one of its branches

Asta: one day I'll be the wizard king and making you the happiest woman in the world! He gets on one knee that's why I'm asking, will you please marry me! He lifts a flower up to her

Sister Lilly: I'm sorry, Asta, I just can't, it's my duty to serve everyone she says sweetly as the boy leans back groaning before getting in her face

Asta: that's a no!? He says hopefully that it wasn't in fact a big fat no

Sister Lilly: yes, I'm afraid it is she smiles I can't marry you. The boys eyes turn a pale white as he falls but we then hear someone laughing nearby and focus on the person who had been in the tree

Bahamut: Talk about a big fat fail, Asta. He laughs as he opens one of his eyes while lounging on the tree branch and laughing

Asta gets up and with fiery eyes and sharp teeth starts yelling angrily at the boy in the tree

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Asta gets up and with fiery eyes and sharp teeth starts yelling angrily at the boy in the tree

Asta: NO ONE TOLD YOU TO BE WATCHING, BAHAMUT! He points at the boy in the tree who just smiles and shrugs his shoulders

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