The attack

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Bahamut Pov

I was still with Fuego and and Nell while taking out more of the zombies that appeared along the way as we tried to find Asta and Leopold before Fuegoleon spoke to me

Fuegoleon: "Earlier, what was that power you used?" Bahamut tilted his head "When you stood up to Nozell, it was as if you possessed a tremendously powerful magic, but it vanished after I interfered."

Bahamut: I nod "My magic isn't as simple as you'd think, recently it's been really effecting my body and even my mind. I don't know what it does half of the time." I fire a dragon rush attack ahead which took out the small horde of zombies

Noelle: "We can talk about that later, right now we need to focus on saving the city." They stopped in a city centre filled with undead

Leopold: "I wonder if my other rival is okay in all of this" he looks around

Fuegoleon: "You can worry about looking for the black bull boy later, Leo. These fiends, there's magic power inside them, while they can move they aren't living beings." His grimoire floats up "Which means."

Bahamut: "We must destroy them!" My grimoire floats up and flips its pages "Twin Dragon." Two dragon skulls formed at my sides as well as my gauntlets on my hands which used Mana to create three claws as I dashed forward and cut through some of the zombies while the skulls released blasts of Mana from their maws

Leopold: "Ah-haha! Good job, rival!" Bahamut slashed through two of the zombies while some came up behind him but the skulls blasted them into dust

Bahamut: "Twin dragon switch." The claws swapped with the dragon skulls on my hands as the claws levitated with quick speed and cut through the zombies while I blasted them with the dragon blasters on my hands as I stood in place and the Mana weapons dissipated in the air "That's the last of them."

Fuegoleon: "Good work." He looked around

Leopold: "Yeah, I've got you now!" He heard a yell and stopped his attack before running off

Bahamut: "Leo!" I don't chase him as I feel a presence 'Something isn't right...' I look around the area

???: a feminine voice echoes in Bahamut's head "You can feel someone can't you?" Bahamut's eyes widened as he looked around "Don't bother looking for me, I don't have a body so it's no use." She laughed

Bahamut: "Who are you?" I looked around

Fuegoleon: "Bahamut, are you okay?" Bahamut didn't answer as he was in a defensive stance

???: "My, my, did Lo not tell you anything? I wouldn't put it past him, he is a grumpy old dragon most of the time." She giggles

Bahamut: 'Tell me what? Who are you and what do you mean by Lo? You mean that voice who spoke to me in the dungeon?" I stood in place

???: "You are learning fast! Yes, Lo is the dragon god who lent you his power in order to keep you alive, it took a lot of forcing him too. But that can be explained later, right now let me and you have a little interaction!" She laughs "I am the dragon goddess, Kereska, and you and I will battle."

Bahamut: 'Battle? What magical trick is this? Are the enemy attempting to brainwash me with some kind of telepathy magic? I'm talking to a voice in my head.' I hear her giggle again

Kereska: "How simple you are, but no, if anyone were to try and use telepathy on you they'd be give a sorry surprise, we all wouldn't want to lose you now would we?" She laughs "Now." Bahamut's book floats up and it flips to a new page which creates a spell "Chant the words, Mortal."

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