Returning to Base

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Bahamut Pov
Black Bull HQ

Asta, Nell, Mag and I were stood in front of captain Yami while we were telling them about our last mission and what had occured. My wounds were pretty much gone, mostly a few painful bruises but they seemed to have healed up

Yami: laughs while smoking "Sounds like you had your hands full all right!" Laughs again

Bahamut: 'Glad the captains in good spirits.' I crossed my arms

Asta: "Sorry captain, but is this really the time to be laughing?"

Yami: "Why not kid? Is being sad gonna bring Seihi back? Huh?!" Magna spoke up

Magna: "No! You're exactly right, Captain Yami, sir! Seihi wouldn't want our sorrow. He was a man of laughter." Turns to the trio "Come on, laugh for the old guy!" He laughs forcibly before stopping "Your turn!" Asta laughs forcibly while Noelle just makes a sound

Bahamut: "Laughing sounds perfect right now." I laughed loudly with Asta and Magna as the latter made Noelle laugh harder

Yami: "Okay, that's enough." His tone becomes serious "It's a real shame what happened to Seihi, but, you protected the villagers." Bahamut nodded "Hold your head high. You did a good job, so be proud of yourselves you idiots."

Asta and Magna: "Sir!" Magna held three fingers to his chest

Noelle: slightly blushing "Thank you."

Bahamut: "No problem!" I crossed my arms. Yami laughed

Asta: looks at Magna's fingers "Hey, what are you doing with your hand?"

Magna: "You kidding me? You seriously don't know the magic knight salute? Well, take a good look. These three fingers represent the three leaves of a clover. Go on, you try."

Asta: does the pose "Does this look right?!"

Magna: "Yeah! Not bad!" He chuckles before a portal opens up behind him as Finrel and Venessa walks out of it

Finrel: "We're back~" they walk over to the group

Venessa: "We heard about Saussy village, good work out there."

Asta: "Thanks! It was a tough mission, but we did our best!" Bahamut flicked his ear

Bahamut: "Do you have to constantly shout?" I look back at the two knights

Finrel: "We visited the magic investigation department captain."

Yami: perks up slightly "Yeah good, did you learn anything?"

Magna: outraged "Like who the hell that guy was?! I'll find his hideout and tear it apart! And the same goes for the one that got away." He said while clenching his fist in front of him

Venessa: "Yeah, about that guy. The investigators checked the area and went for the things he left behind, but so far no dice." Magna had a fireball in his palm

Magna: grunts in frustration "What good are they then?!" He throws the fire ball as it blows up a wall

Yami: while aura covered his forearm "That's enough. Hear me?" Slams his arm on the wall "Quit breaking everything!!" The wall was blown away with ease

Bahamut: "What about the junk he left behind?" I looked to Finrel and Venessa while the dust cleared

Finrel: "That pocket watch was really nice, not something just anyone would own."

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