The Labrynth

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Bahamut Pov

We were at the hideout after recently finding out Yuno had won a star for the dawns. I was leaving my room and going to the common area where I found everyone doing their own thing while also trying to name birdie

Bahamut: "Hey, hat I miss?" I see birdie come flying and land on my head as I chuckle "Good morning to you too, my little feathered friend." I see Asta and Noelle run towards me

Noelle: "His name is Sevonte Shnouzer!"

Asta: "No it's birdie boy!" They we're both given a hit over the head with a dragon-like fist as they drop to the ground in pain

Bahamut: "Stop harassing the poor thing. It's hard enough he has to see your faces everyday."

Luck: he ran up "Oh, boy! How's it going Bahamut, since we had such a crazy spar the last time, let's go all out again!" He smiles

Bahamut: "I don't fight for no reason. It's a waste of one's skills." I cross my arms

Luck: "Aww, man! Talk about a buzz kill! Come on, even little Nero thinks so!" He points at the bird on Bahamut's head "Right, Nero?" The bird nuzzles on Bahamut's head

Bahamut: "Firstly, I'd never fight you for nothing, and second, Nero is pretty good name." I scratch the birds head while it's perched on mine. Suddenly a portal open's on the front door and Yami as well as Finrel steps out

Yami: "Okay, listen up guys."

Magna: "Yes! Yami, sir!"

Finrel: "Hi gang, how's it going?"

Charmy: while eating "Hey, welcome back!"

Venessa: while slurring her words "What did they want you to shlip over to the castle for?" Grey breathes out smoke while Gordon whispers

Bahamut: "Heck yeah, if it's a mission me and Gordon's got it covered!"

Luck: "So, is it a mission?" While punching the air

Yami: "Kinda. Pay attention so everyone hears what's going on. We were called in because they've discovered a new dungeon." Everyone gasps

Magna: "A new dungeon?! Seriously? You mean it, Yami sir?"

Asta: "Wowwww! That's awesome what's a dungeon?!" Bahamut punches him into a wall using his dragon claws

Bahamut: "A dungeon is a place filled with shiny gold and treasure and I'm going!" Magna got in my face

Magna: "You greedy, lizard! All you want is treasure!"

Bahamut: "Lizard?! I'll kick your ass, fire boy!" We were gritting our teeth with electricity between us

Luck: "They also try to kill you. The people who put the treasure there always leave crazy trap spells behind, so their seriously dangerous and seriously fun too!" He chuckle

Bahamut: "Damgerous or not, I'm getting the shiny treasure and obliterating anyone who get in my way!" An aura surrounds my fists

Asta: he gets up "You bet I'm coming too!"

Noelle: "So, a new dungeon showed up and captain Yami was called to the castle. I guess that means the black bulls are being sent to explore it."

Yami: "That's right. And it's in a dicey location. Popped up near our border with an enemy country. The diamond kingdom." Asta and Noelle gasped softly "Be glad it wasn't the King Kingdom, that place is fold with monsters. But anyways, this mission has to be carried out swiftly and thoroughly, don't we don't want those diamond guys getting their paws on the good stuff. Who knows what could happen, in the past people have found items in dungeons that could change civilisation itself. Some explorers have even come out of them being able to use some of the most powerful magic-..." Asta cuts him off

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