Ch 1: An angsty toddler

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With a shuddering breath both Mikoto and Fugaku glanced at the baby that was cradled into her mothers arms. The girl looked like her mother through and through.

"Ha!" The Uchiha matriarch laughed in delight as her husband despaired. "I hate to say it but--"

"No you wouldn't." Fugaku groaned. "You would delight in saying it."

"--I told you so." She finished despite the interruption, looking pleased with herself. "A mother knows who her baby will take after."

He glared at her. "Don't talk to me."

"Tisk tisk, don't be such a sore loser in front of your daughter." Mikoto scolds her husband as the baby began to fuss. "You're setting a bad example."

"Of course my dear, I apologise." Fugaku rectifies as the baby began to wail inconsolably.

Mikoto winced slightly at the noise. "Is a baby meant to cry that loud?" She whispered to her husband who shrugged his shoulders.

"Lady Shirin is fine." A nurse comforts the two.

The baby somehow cried louder.


"There's a war, Lady Shirin." Her nanny, Madame Eizan, informs her as they walk through the deserted compound. "People are preparing."

All because Hatake wouldn't leave his friends behind. Not that she blames him.

"And why tell me this?" She asks while rolling her eyes. "I'm not going to fight."

The older woman sighs. "Not yet My Lady but wars aren't quick, you may still have to fight."

"Well I'm not, this clan isn't worth killing for." Shirin murmurs.

The village wasn't worth it either for that matter.

"You don't mean that Lady Shirin." She insists while pulling her along the road.

"Yes." Shirin bites back. "I do."


As the Uchiha heiress she was meant to start the academy today. Naturally, this meant she was hiding in a bush so that she didn't have to go. But good things in her life don't stay and while she may have evaded her caretakers there are others that just have to ruin things for her.

"What ya doing?" A boy in green spandex whispered.

Clutching her heart Shirin felt as though she lost five years of her life due to shock.

"What the ever living hell." She muttered lowly. "Who even are you brat?"

The boy smiled widely. "I'm Maito Gai! It's a pleasure to meat you Miss..."

Uchiha. It was imbedded on her clothes after all.

"None of your business. Get out of my bush before I get caught--"

"Get caught by who Lady Shirin?" Her nanny asked, her right eye twitching violently with a sweet smile plastered itself across her face.

"You damn witch." Shirin gives her the most vicious glare she can muster without a sharingan. "Leave me here, I'm not going to the academy."

Without warning she was picked up from the ground. "Yes." She hisses. "You are My Lady."


"Hatake graduated two years ago, a shame really, you both would've made great friends." Their teacher states while eyeing her. "Or maybe you would've killed each other, it's hard to tell."

If one more person compares her and Hatake she'll cut their tongue out.

Shirin rolled her eyes. "Definitely the latter, I don't make friends with snot nosed brats."

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