Ch 2: A terrible influence

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A whole year had went by since she graduated from the academy. By some miracle she isn't dead. Which is extremely surprising considering that one of her teammates is actively trying to murder her.

Then there was Itachi who was growing a bit too fast for her liking. Soon, he'll be another little murder that gets sent onto the field far too early for any sane persons liking.

It's just too bad that no one in this village was sane.

"Sister!" Her brother barged into her legs with break neck speeds.

When did he even reach her knees? Hell, when did he learn to walk? She's certain he couldn't do that the last time she saw him.

Shirin kneels down to his height and pokes him on the head, you know, like a complete ass.

"Ouch!" The boy rubs his head while frowning, he really looks like his father when he does that.

At least she thinks so, the last time saw Fugaku was a few months after her fourth birthday before he was promptly drafted to the front lines. She's fairly certain Itachi hasn't even seen the man before.

"Hey there kid, how've you been?" Shirin asks more gently than she does with anyone else as Itachi beams.

"Learning Kunai!" He says while imitating throwing the pointy weapon.

Aw, they're already training him to be a little killer, she's so proud. Look at her, she's so damn happy.

Shirin frowned while getting up from her kneeling position. "Well, I suppose you're better at it then I was when I was your age."

At his age she was probably still insulting everything in her path. She really was a mean toddler. Eizan was a saint for putting up with her for so long.

Itachi looked positively ecstatic at her compliment. Yeah, if this kid was a future kin slayer then she was the goddamn Hokage.

"Cool and strong like sister!" He cheers while clutching her shirt. "Big and tall!"

Shirin abruptly pinched his cheeks, unable to resist. "Itachi, I'm completely convinced that if the five Kages were trapped in a room with you we would have peace in five minutes."

"Peace good! Like sister!" He agreed while bopping his head up and down.

Well, this sister wasn't exactly good but whatever floats his boat.

"Yeah," she ruffles his hair, "peace good."

Not that he'd know, born and raised in war and all. And then when the war ends he'll never truly know peace anyway.

Poor kid, he was practically made for bloodshed.


It was in the middle of packing for another mission that Shirin caught a glance of herself in the mirror. For a split second she could see herself before the mirror decided it had enough and cracked.

That was fine though because Shirin managed to make an assessment on herself anyway.



The Hyuga leaned against the tree, tired from the long journey. Shirin could relate, she couldn't even feel her legs.

Taro, that brat, was completely fine even after walking for a day straight.

"He is not part Nara." Sumei declares while glaring at the boy.

"I agree, he's definitely lying about that. His mother was probably a ball of pure energy which is why he seems to have an endless supply of it." Shirin nods along, also glaring at the Yamanaka.

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