Ch 5: A gang of idiots

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Shirin was zen. Nobody could ruin her mood today, it's just not possible. Her breakfast was amazing, she got to sleep for longer than ten hours and has yet to bump into anyone that annoying.

A perfect day.

"Hey there again!" A cheerful voice rang in her ears as the former Uchiha heiress let out a groan.

She stands corrected.

"Stop that you insufferable piece of--"

"Ah, Tobi is very sorry for scaring you. He just wanted to see if you changed your mind."

Does he have a death wish? Shirin will gladly fulfil it if so.

"I think," she starts, "that you should stop trying to recruit me."

"Trust in Tobi!" The man continues much to her dismay. "The Akatsuki will be a good fit for you."

He just won't take no for an answer. The man has been pestering her for weeks.

"And I thought I had made myself clear, I don't want to be apart of your little suicide squad." She paused, registering what she had just said before cackling.

If only someone would get that reference.

"It's not suicidal," he defends, only looking mildly disturbed by her sudden laughter, "it truly has merit."

Gosh, maybe she should've just kidnapped Naruto and left the both of them in a room with each other to change his mind faster.

This is honestly a little sad.

Shirin coughs lightly into her hand before turning on her heel, pulled her leg back and attempted to kick the other missing-nin in the shin.

Her foot went straight through him, unfortunately.

"Tobi seems to be getting the impression that he is not wanted."

"Then you would be right."


The man was speechless.

Now if only he'd actually leave, that'd be great.

"Fine, I'll join your little group. But--" she adds on quickly, "you must give me a lot of money and an infinite supply of ice-cream mochi. Specifically the vanilla one but other flavours will do."

"...are you really joining just for that?" He sounded like he almost believed it.


There is also the fact that she is very poor and needed the money. That was also a good reason.


"The Akatsuki is an organisation that aims for peace." Konan explains to her as she leads her through the halls. "But what you do in your free time won't be held against you as long as it does not interfere with our goals."

"Huh, your cult is awfully accommodating."

And it had great perks, like free health care. Konoha could never.

The older woman gave her an odd look. "We are not a cult."

"And I'm a Hyuga. Now we're both lying."

Konan just shakes her head and doesn't bother arguing with her further. First mature person Shirin has seen since she got here.


A pile of things were left on the bed Konan had took her to. There was a cloak, some purple nail polish and an ugly ring.

Shirin wonders if it's the same model as the one that she gave to Itachi. It'd be funny if they could match.


A child of warOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora