Chapter Twenty Five

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I was sitting in the office with dad, he had turned up to see how things were going and was worried since I wasn’t answering my phone.

He thought Jenny had kidnapped me, me a grown man being kidnapped by a twig like her.

I cant believe I left it at home, well no wonder my mind was elsewhere as Alex tried to have her way with me again, god she has turned into a sex crazed goddess, I lost track of how many times I blew yesterday all I know was it was a lot and I'm sore today, there was no way I could have given another go before I left for work.

“so hows Alex doing?” my dad asked pulling me back out of my thoughts.

I looked at him grinning “really good, she's amazing”

He just looked at me like I was crazy “you've got it bad, I have never seen you so happy, let me guess pregnancy sex?” he laughed and I cringed that is a sick way to ruin the moment, he noticed my face and barked out laughing “I'm right aren’t I?”

I laughed back at him “lets just say if she had it her way I wouldn’t be here today or ever again and I would be tied to the bed” and then I frowned realising I was talking to my dad about my sex life.

Mental note never do that again!

I was about to call Lex's phone to see when she was coming in but got distracted by the loud yelling coming from the reception desk, dad and I looked at each other and raced over to see what the hell was going on, the woman turned around and I frowned “Brooke what the fuck happened?” she was covered in blood, her face pale as a ghost.

“why haven’t you called back? I’ve been calling here for an hour saying it was a fucking emergency” she screamed.

I looked confused “no one told me you called” and I snapped my head towards Kate at reception who looked panicked.

“I'm so sorry I forgot to pass on the messages” she bit her lip looking down at the desk.

“I said it was a fucking emergency every single time” Brooke yelled at her.

Dad just looked furious and worried at the same time, I turned my attention back to Brooke who was shaking “what’s wrong?” I asked quietly.

“there was yelling and screaming and then she punched her, oh god she punched her hard and pushed her to the floor, everything seemed fine she was coming to see you to go for a check up, but then there was water and blood, so.. so much blood and you think for someone like her there wouldn’t be much but there was a lot.. and you know babies are small but they were really small like tiny” she stuttered as tears were falling from her face.

I moved closer gripping her shoulders tightly and lightly shaking her “Brooke what are you talking about?” I asked calmly but my heart racing slightly, she snapped out of whatever trance she was in and took a breathe.

“Jenny and Ted came by and told Alex she had to give her babies to you and Jenny, Alex got mad real mad and slapped her, Jenny punched her in the stomach then pushed her making her fall on her stomach, Brody kicked them out and got rid of them but then Lex's water broke, she went into labour and like in 10 minutes the babies were born but they aren’t breathing and Alex just passed out, she's in hospital” she cried and I felt my knee's buckling.

Dad thankfully grabbed onto me keeping me upright before I fell completely, I regained composure and turn to Kate glaring “your fired, get your shit and get out within the next two minutes or I will toss you out on the street” I roared at her ready to snap her fucking neck.

We pulled into the hospital parking lot which seemed to take forever, Brooke came with us, my dad drove, I was in too much shock to hardy walk, let alone drive, I was fucking furious the messages were never passed on, I was ready to murder Jenny and Ted.

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