Chapter Thirty Three

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My mouth was hanging wide open!

I heard the sound of a fist against the face, then his sister yelling loudly at the both of them, both Blake and Scott were rolling around the living room floor throwing punches at each other, both of them yelling at each other and a whole lot of swearing.

Blake was underneath Scott who had his hand pinned around his throat trying to choke him, Blake then punched him in the stomach making him double over and drop to his side and now Blake was straddling him and giving him a hard punch.

My man was definitely hot in a fight, but I knew that already.

I sat there with his mother next to holding my hand for her life “just let them sort it out Scott knows better than to make Blake angry dear, especially after everything that's happened” she whispered and I looked at her like she was crazy, she was just going to let them sort it out.

His dad was trying to pull Blake off Scott with his sister helping as she was trying to tell Blake to get off him, they finally broke apart both looking furious, glass vases were shattered around them from bumping into tables “watch your fucking mouth” Blake hissed angrily to Scott who was helped up by Kayla.

“Alex control your fucking husband” Scott glared wiping his bloody nose, whoa since when was this my problem.

“well excuse me for not wanting to get involved since the last time I was in a fight it ended badly” I said quietly and Blake's face softened, he knew I hated fighting.

Scott started to walk towards me but Blake grabbed him and pushed him back “stay away from her” he gritted.

I stood up walking over to Blake taking his hand “can we just leave” I asked quietly, he nodded wiping his lip which I noticed it was split open.

“she was our friend, as fucked up as she was we knew her” Kayla glared.

“well then your no longer my sister” Blake shrugged he stepped closer as he yelled his last words. “Mention her name around us and that's it I'll wipe my hands clean of you both, she killed two of us plus Lex's friend so she deserved to be put 6 feet under”

No one said anything and in the end Scott walked off with Kayla who was still swearing under his breath, his mum and dad said their goodbyes and wanted to take us out to dinner to celebrate our marriage.

We got in the car and headed off deciding to just visit my parents and get it over and done with, I looked over at Blake who hadn't said anything since we headed onto the highway, biting the bullet I decided to speak first “how's the lip?” yeah I know what a great ice breaker.

“not to bad, I don’t get what his fucking problem was anyway” he reached over taking my hand, rubbing softly “you know I wont ever leave you Alex”

I gave a smile “I know that, you'll be stuck with me forever and ever, till infinity and beyond” I held my arm out like buzz and Blake finally cracked a smile.

“you were ok with how we got married aren't you? Because if your not we can do the whole big

wedding thing still” he glanced over at me.

“Blake the way we got married was perfect, maybe when I used to think of getting married I would picture it a different way but in the end that's only to please everyone else, I loved our wedding and I would marry you everyday like that and still not change a thing” I lent over and kissed his cheek.

He gave a big lopsided grin “well as long as I don’t have to buy your rings everyday then I'll be happy as well”

When we pulled up outside my parents place, I was secretly hoping my dad wasn’t here I didn’t want to listen to another argument and we was newly weds we didn’t need more drama in our lives.

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