Chapter Thirty Eight

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“well?” he asked excitedly.

“babe it's been 3 weeks, I wont know anything my I'm due” I rubbed his shoulders an felt them slump in sadness again.

To say Blake was excited that I had stopped taking my pill was a massive understatement, he literally jumped off the bed and fist pumped the air as he jumped back on the bed and bounced on it like a little kid.

The problem was he kept asking if I felt pregnant each day, I know he was eager but heck I didn't know I was pregnant for the first 8 weeks, so how could I tell if I was now or not.

“babe” I lent down behind his back and kissed his neck slowly “just give it time, it could take awhile”

“I know I just want you round and glowing again” he spun around on his chair and pulled me on his lap “we could always try right now” he groaned huskily and I moaned a little as his hands ran down my breast.

“your at work” I giggled as his fingers tickled into my sides.

“doesn't stop us” he latched his mouth onto my neck just as there was a knock on his door.

“well husband I will see you tonight, I love you and maybe we can pick up from where you left off” I laughed and got up off his lap, his puppy dog face not working on me this time.

I opened his door and was met with a woman who smiled at me, his new assistant and by the looks of things she was much better than that hopeless piece of trash he had before “Mr Ashton your 1pm is here”

“bye sweetheart” I called out and blew him a kiss.

“love you” he yelled back, I loved that he wasn't shy to tell the world that.

When we first came back to work he had me come and have lunch with him, he met me at the door and pulled everyone out of their offices and made a speech, his speech was that we got married. They already knew about the babies since Blake's dad told them when we was on our holiday.

I had just pressed the button on the key and went to open my door when a voice stopped me, I didn't want to see her, not yet and not so soon. I put on a brave face and turned to see Cole's mum on the footpath giving me a once over.

“Cynthia” I spoke making my way back towards her.

“is it true?” she shot out “did you get married?”

“yes” I nodded knowing where this was going.

“how could you Alex, Cole is dead and your off living a life of a harlot” she spat is disgust.

“excuse me” I asked confused, what the hell does she think she's doing.

“oh you know exactly what I'm talking about, running off with a soon to be married man and getting pregnant out of wedlock, no wonder what happened has happened, karma is a bitch”

I felt myself starting to cry and looked away, luckily no one was on the street to witness me being trashed like a streetwalker.

“look I don't know what you think you know but your wrong, Cole and I split up, he broke up with me not the other way around, and as for my husband” wow that feels so weird to call him that “we are happy and in love, we lost our children so just piss off and pull that pole out of your high classed ass and go get laid” I turned around and got in my car, she had no right to blame me for Cole's death and I wasn't about to let people start now.

When I arrive at Brooke's house all I heard was yelling, loud yelling and things being thrown around, great just what I needed to walk into, a domestic dispute.

Needing You - Sequel to Wanting YouWhere stories live. Discover now