Chapter 7

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On a hot summer evening on ember island the royal family was enjoying their vacation. Prince Ozai knelt in his royal palanquin with Azula accompanying him as their servants carried them into town, four royal firebenders surrounding them. It was getting stuffy in the royal vacation home what with Iroh and Lu Ten joining them on their summer trip before the siege of Ba Sing Se and Ozai was growing tired of the constant laughing and pleasantries his brother and Ursa kept generating along with his nephew Lu Ten seeming to enjoy making both Zuko and Azula as energetic as possible. He thought a solitary trip into town would clear his mind and he gave no objections when Azula pleaded to come along, she hasn't been ruined by their weakness yet and it would do her good if he was able to keep her from becoming like them.

Ozai perused the wears of an antique shop, the shopkeepers keeping their distance allowing him the privacy to shop but close enough to attend to any questions he may have, Azula however was bored but tried to mirror her fathers stiff demeanor often mimicking his motions as he observed the wears.

"Azula, come here." Her father called out with her running to his side.

Before them stood a golden statue of a frightening spirit that took the shape of a man with two heads and multiple limbs, its glaring expression and plumes of fire emanating from each limb gave off an aura of power in its fearful might, Ozai felt it would look magnificent in his study.

"Tell me Azula, who is this?" He asked, never turning his gaze away from it.

It didn't take her long to answer as she recognized this spirit's visage, "That's Agni, great fire spirit of the sun."

"Correct. And what is the most significant thing he has done for our people?"

"Crowning the first Firelord."

The corner of Ozai's mouth raised slightly in affirmation, "Yes." He kneeled down scooping up his youngest child so she was at eye level with the statue on the table, "By crowning the first Fire Lord the warring clans of the Fire Nation were united and became our triumphant nation. Do you know how the first Fire Lord united the clans?"

Azula thought long and hard but didn't remember, that lesson was so long ago.

Ozai answered for her, "He had a vision for the future, a vision to unite our country but there were fools that impeded his vision so he showed the other clans his strength and wiped out those that would not kneel to him and in doing so the other clans kneeled to his strength in respect of his might." He turned to her, "The one thing that matters more than anything in this world is strength and to maintain this strength his subjects must fear him. Agni saw this and knew that he was fit for this role. That is the divine right to rule and as his descendants it means that strength is in our blood and to maintain it..." he trailed on waiting for her to answer.

"The people must fear us."

"Good." He nodded his head with a smile, "Fear is the lifeblood of any ruler, when someone is feared it establishes order and discipline. They are respected and no one would dare go against them, they tremble at the thought of someone like us raising a hand to them and if a ruler is not feared then he is weak. He invites his own downfall by the hands of someone stronger. Remember, Azula, Agni saw the strength in our bloodline, we must not dishonor his judgment, unlike some members of our family." He said the last part with displeasure.

"But people don't fear uncle." She said, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"You're right Azula. Iroh thinks that by ruling through love and kindness he will guide a brighter path for our nation." He scoffed, "Respect is earned through fear Azula and your uncle does not share this belief. He will invite the downfall of our family, our bloodline, and even our nation if he sits on the throne." He derided looking into the eyes of the glaring statue, "If I were to sit on the throne I would ensure the strength of our nation goes on and if that were to happen I will need you by my side as my heir."

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