Chapter 10

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Azula awoke feeling more rested than she has ever felt in the past few years. Her mind felt at ease, at least for now but her body was incredibly sore. She recalled the events of meeting the Mystic however everything was hazy, he was so strange, stranger than the other beings she has met thus far. Surely he had to have been a dream, the Ke'Kuvon were not a warm and inviting people so they most likely wouldn't allow someone like him in their community.

She decided it wasn't worth thinking about and got ready to leave. She's had enough of these people and would rather be around the menagerie of creatures on the home base instead.

After preparing herself for the day she exited the tent putting the translator back in her ear and made her way to the main encampment. The sun was rising just beyond the horizon turning the sky pink, its light making the red vegetation beneath it take on a purplish hue with the ring streaking the sky in pure white.

The camp wasn't as lively as it had been last night with many of its inhabitants still asleep and only a few hunters keeping watch whether it be in the camp or on the back of a rhino patrolling the outskirts. Most didn't pay her any mind as she strolled by looking for Angara while the rest glared at her.

"You have joined the waking realm, Serpent of Blue." The haunting voice of the Mystic startled her into a fighting stance.

The Mystic stood outside the rhino stables stroking the head of one of the creatures while clutching a tall walking stick wrapped in beads, "I am glad to see you, and glad of the choice made."

She was frozen in place as the realization that he was not a dream at all. This man, no, this creature did something to her, something that allowed him to know everything about her, the plan to take the storm, her history and even the voices in her head. She even began to wonder how she got back to her tent as she doesn't remember returning herself, in which case, what did he do to her?

"You! How did- what did you do to me last night?"

"I apologize for what occurred." He spoke slowly as he fully turned to her, "I should have taken better precaution to prevent contact with your mind. I did not mean to pry into your subconscious."

"You read my mind? How is that even possible?" She eased out of her stance after deeming that he was not a threat.

"Contact through touch is the easiest manner in which to do so."

"So does that mean you read that creature's mind just now?" She pointed to the rhino.

"No, through great effort I can silence this ability." He continued to pat the rhino's head as it grunted in appreciation, "But that is not why you are here. Is it, Serpent of Blue?"

She grunted in annoyance, "That's not my name. You know things about me, things I can't have anyone else know."

The Mystic stayed silent for a moment as if pondering her words, "Yes, but do not fear. I have no intention of sharing what I know with others."

"Forgive me if I don't believe you."

"The transfer of information between minds is a sacred and intimate process, to share such things is the ultimate violation. I have taken a vow of silence against speaking of such things unless given consent by the one who was read."

She decided to test the resolve of that statement, "Even if I hold information that could endanger you and this camp?"

"If you are referring to Angara's status as a wanted princess, yes. However, that is a secret that I do not need to keep as many in the camp are aware that you know and they do not approve."

"All the more reason for me to leave."

"Leave you should. An attempt was made on your life last night, but thankfully I was able to persuade them to make a different choice."

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