Chapter 9

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Azula watches as Angara runs through the ring of fire and jumps into the arms of the older Ke'Kuvon embracing in a friendly hug, the second one still firing at the theron from his mount.

Angara pulled away still smiling, "I guess my message got through."

The older man, who shared the same style of facial tattoo around his eyes as Angara, spoke with a low croaky voice worn by time and the experiences of hardship but had a warmness to him that reminded her of her uncle Iroh, "We heard you but the signal was spotty and we couldn't respond. Thankfully we got to you before that theron did."

"You should have gotten here earlier. Had a real problem with laugh cats."

"I can see." The older one said studying the weathering and damage on Angara's armor and hearing their whooping laughs far off in the distance.

His gaze turned to Azula who still stood within the ring of fire as if it was a cage to keep out danger. His warm friendly gaze hardened with his stature becoming ridged, "So this is the plus one you mentioned. You know my nephew said that you were fighting a girl that can manipulate fire. One that gave him quite the beating." his hand hovered over his holstered blaster.

Azula studied him for any weakness if he decides to attack, her two fingers already tensing up in preparation to fire.

Angara stood between them, "Did Tyto also tell you that he's using your grandkids to pickpocket again?" The older man pulled his gaze away with a raised brow, "And also that the fire girl here is his latest victim?"

The older man sighed in annoyance as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "And suddenly this all makes sense." his demeanor relaxed and some of his elderly warmth returned in his eyes, "I apologize for the actions of my nephew and grandchildren. I will make sure he suffers the consequences."

Azula was finally able to somewhat relax with the fire dying down, "I suppose that will suffice. Now if we can get out of here I would be truly grateful." she said with as much respect she could muster.

The older man's brow furrowed in confusion as he leaned over to Angara, "Does she not speak primary?"

It was then Azula noticed that he didn't have a translator in any of his ears and mentally groaned at the thought of another language barrier and the loss of her audio translator.

"I'll speak for her." Angara said, giving Azula a sense of dread at what she may purposely mistranslate just to spite her.

"Azula, Tekhan. Tekhan, Azula." She introduced offhandedly.

"Don't worry, I have a translator in my helmet." Takhan said, making his way back to his rhino, "Would you like to ride with me or kick Charn off of his mount?"

"Charn! Hop off, I'm taking your ride!" Angara ordered, catching the riders attention, "The pup here will ride with me, she's got an attitude so I gotta keep her in check."

"Pup?" Tekhan asked.

The other rider jumped off his creature allowing Angara to climb up while he rode with the older man.

"Are we really taking her with us?" The rider known as Charn asked.

"I don't like it either, but she's kinda a coworker so I gotta look out for her."

A metallic scoff came from his helmet, "Did that Pendaren captain of yours order you to?"

Angara shot him a hard look as Azula climbed up the saddle, "Don't start."

Tekhan put his helmet back on and took the reins to his rhino, "Let's leave talk like this for another time. You've had a long day, I'm sure you and your co-worker want some rest."

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