Chapter 7: Gaming

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~~~~Leo's POV~~~~

Here I am again watching true crime, just like in the old days. I wonder where Nate went he left when I was sleeping. "You watching this again" A familiar voice said behind me. "Oh, Nate there you are, where we're you," I say as I stand up walking towards him.

"What you doing you bout to give me a welcome home kiss~?"

"Wha I was about to you know what never mind."

[Nate starts to laugh] "Well now that you're up we can play the game now right?"

"Well I mean that depends on what game we're playing."

"I was thinking we could play a video game but since it's been so long since we last saw each other we can play a little game I made up back when we were younger."

"What is- nooo nooo."

"Yep, All the questions."

"Oh then fine what are we going to eat this time, I hope it isn't moldy fries." I say already getting sick to the stomach."

"No of course not," he says walking towards the kitchen to the fridge.

"Oh thank God."

"I actually have the burger this time," he says smiling holding a moldy burger.


"hey remember what I said, don't ask questions."

"I swear you're going to kill me one day."

"Hey chill that day isn't today so call down cutie~."

[I look away blushing. Nate walks back into the living room and pulls a mat out that has "all the questions" on it]

"Woah Nate, did you make that yourself?"

"No, I had a company make it you know my little game that you don't like actually got popular so yeah."

"Is that how you got this house and your car?"

"Naw I have all the money from the game in a savings account its there just in case."

"Oh ok then." (hm it really does seem like he doesn't have any financial problems...I wonder what they are?)

"Anyways come on Leo sit down over here." Nate pats down the empty space across the mat in front of him. I go to sit down then he puts the burger still wrapped by the way in the middle of the mat. I gag in disgust I am not eating this shit I promise.

~~~He Eats It~~~

Some time went by were just asking normal questions and everything going chill I asked him an uncomfortable question that he would normally answer but this time he didn't so he had to be the first to take a bite of the "burger" I made fun of him because he tried to find a question that I wouldn't answer...he hasn't found one yet I don't know maybe I'm just more comfortable with him now.

"Ugh, I can't think of anything."

"HAH I guess I win this time," I say getting up turning away from Nate and starting to wa-

"Have you ever had a crush on me?"
I pause in my tracks "W-what?"

He stands up talking behind me realizing that he won already "You heard me cutie~."
He says whispering it in my ear while holding my hips... I start to feel weak in my knees.

"U-umm uhh," I push him back standing like a flower ready to bust open. "So HAHA WHERES THE BURGER IM JUST EAGER TO TAKE A BITE." I say rushing over to take a bite of the burger. Nate starts laugh louder this time I guess my suffering is just funny to him or something. I take a bite and ugh it's as bad as the fries were but then even worse with the cheese and the lettuce and the other stomach makes a noise I feel myself starting to get sick. I gag then out of instinct my hand rushes towards my mouth making sure I don't just throw up on the ground. Nate walks up to me in concern.

"Hey Leo you good?"

"I don't know [gags]," I say still having my hand over my mouth.

"Hey let's go to the bathroom."

"Mhm." he holds my shoulders gently as were walking to the bathroom the moment we get there I threw up straight in the sink then in the toilet Nate stays in there with me just incase I need anything.

"Heh maybe we should be playing this game anymore I didn't realise how dangerous it was hehe."

"YEAH YA THINK [Throws up again]" Nate pats my back sending another form of vomit to my mouth.

"Hey, I'll be back I'm going to get you some water okay."

"No no, I think I'm fine now [throws up again]."

"No you're not fine just stay right here for now I'll be back."

I stay in the bathroom throwing up two more times after that I feel completely okay so I get up and walk out of the bathroom. Nate walks up to me slightly agitated.

"Leo what did I tell you."

"No no its fine I'm okay I promise my system feel really clean right now."

"You promise you won't throw up on my floor because I will beat your ass if you do."

[I start to laugh]

"What's funny?"

"The fact that you think you can beat me up."

[Nate starts to laugh now and I get confused]

"Why are you laughing?"

"You think in I'm talking about fighting~"he says winking at me.

I look at him with a blank stare. "Give me the goddamn water"

"Beg for it."

"Excuse me?"

[he laughs] "I'm joking here you go" he passes the water towards me I drink the whole cup in about 4 minutes taking tiny pauses between each drink. "Hey do you need to lay down.

"No, I'm okay so you ready to play a "real game".

"Oh bet let's go the consoles in my room."

"Alright." me and Nate go up to his room. I go to set the game up while he's sitting on the bed. Once I get the game settled up I give one controller to Nate and we play the rest of the
Day away.

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