Chapter 49: Another Business Trip

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Chapter 49: Another Business Trip

He Yu Shen cast another glance towards the closed bathroom door and resumed his work.

Hearing the door open, without looking up, he said, "Come here."

Throughout the day, Nan Yi mostly remained embraced by He Yu Shen. The mild sunshine from the morning was soon obscured by afternoon fog.

Nestled in He Yu Shen's arms, Nan Yi had taken a nap. When he woke up, He Yu Shen was still engrossed in his work.

Nan Yi's head rested on He Yu Shen's lap, covered with a thin blanket.

Instead of getting up immediately, he stared with wide eyes at He Yu Shen's chin, lost in thought.

The room was silent, save for the soft tapping of the keyboard. Such a warm scene was something Nan Yi had never imagined before.

This man, he didn't want to share him with anyone.

Pulling his head free, Nan Yi sat up, looking for his phone.

Sensing the movement, He Yu Shen stopped his task and looked over at the now seated Nan Yi.



Nan Yi shook his head and pointed at his phone on the table.

Effortlessly unlocking it, He Yu Shen handed it over.

Nan Yi initially just wanted to ask about the location of his phone, but seeing He Yu Shen handing over the already unlocked device stirred a thought in him.

After accepting the phone, Nan Yi gazed at He Yu Shen's shoulder, sneakily resting his head against it.

Engrossed in his work, He Yu Shen didn't comment, causing a small smile to play on Nan Yi's lips.

Browsing through He Yu Shen's social media posts, which were set to be visible for the past six months, Nan Yi was pleased to realize he wasn't blocked.

He Yu Shen rarely posted anything, and even past entries weren't particularly interesting. Notably, there were no other omegas in sight.

Most of their text exchanges revolved around work matters.
It appeared He Yu Shen was simply a dedicated workaholic.

Finding nothing captivating, Nan Yi lowered the volume and started watching a TV drama.

Halfway through his task, He Yu Shen briefly glanced over, catching a glimpse of the melodramatic scene on Nan Yi's screen, and wondered if the hotel's television was merely ornamental.

After an episode, the hotel doorbell rang, prompting a puzzled look from Nan Yi.

"Answer the door."

The alpha instructed, not lifting his gaze.

Setting down his phone, Nan Yi made his way to the door.

"Good day, Mr. Nan."

Recognizing the assistant from the day before and noticing Nan Yi's attire—a shirt of He Yu Shen's—he appeared slightly awkward.

"I'll... I'll be going now."

Hastily, the assistant handed over a bag containing fresh clothes and suppressants to Nan Yi.

Relieved upon seeing the suppressants, Nan Yi exhaled.

He Yu Shen's sensitive phase lasted a full four days. The two remained in the hotel until its end, after which Nan Yi was escorted back to the villa by Xiao Wang.

After the substitute marriage, Little Dumb becomes a  big boss palm treasureWhere stories live. Discover now