Chapter 106: Yi Yi's Alpha is the Best

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Chapter 106: Yi Yi's Alpha is the Best

Yin Feng locked eyes with her, struggling to place her identity.

All eyes momentarily rested upon the woman. Nan Xin sneered disdainfully.

Looking at a woman older than herself, her contempt was evident.

"Madam," the manager called out.

A look of disbelief briefly crossed Nan Xin's face, seemingly taken aback by what she had heard.

"Young lady, you mentioned you're my husband's girlfriend. This is news to me," the woman identified as the 'Madam' remarked calmly, neither angry nor irrational.

Following her initial stiffness, Nan Xin's expression shifted to one of extreme discomfort, especially as security personnel made their way up.

"Master Yin, we'll compensate for your friend's drenched clothing. Whenever you visit, your meals will be on the house. It was our oversight in training the staff, and we hope your friend can forgive this lapse on our part."

Yin Feng remained silent, casting a glance at Nan Yi.

Seeing Nan Yi's dismissive shake of the head, he sighed, recognizing Nan Yi's forgiving nature.

"My friend is generous and won't hold this against you."

"Thank you, sir. We deeply regret the unfortunate dining experience," the woman sincerely apologized, guilt evident on her face.

"It's okay..." Nan Yi's phone vibrated once more, a video call request from He Yu Shen, which he declined.

What followed was a barrage of incoming messages.

"As for you, young lady, every penny my husband has spent on you is part of our joint assets. That includes this restaurant—it's our collective property."

"Let's calculate everything— the apartment he rented for you, your dates, meals, hotel expenses. I expect every cent to be repaid."

"He gave it to me willingly... Why should I return it..." Nan Xin's voice lacked conviction, missing the air of superiority she'd held when confronting Nan Yi.

"I have more than a few compromising photos of you two in hotels and bars. I wouldn't mind handing them over to the police."

"Feng, let's leave."

Nan Yi was no longer interested in watching the drama between the wife and the mistress. Feeling sticky and uncomfortable, he wanted to head home and change.


Yin Feng once again took Nan Yi's hand and brushed past Nan Xin on their way out.

Once outside the restaurant, the atmosphere lightened. Both felt the need to return home earlier due to their discomfort.

Nan Yi declined Yin Feng's offer to drop him off. Instead, Xiao Wang picked him up. As they pulled up in front of the gate, a slow-walking Nan Zhi, wearing a coat, passed by their car.

Nan Yi caught a glimpse of a bright red mark on his fair neck.

Considering who had been visiting the complex, Nan Yi speculated it had to be Lin Qiu Wu. This raised questions about Lin Yun Jian's relationship with Nan Zhi... and why the latter wasn't living with Lin Qiu Wu.

Had Lin Qiu Wu developed feelings for Nan Zhi?

Upon reaching home, Nan Yi headed straight to the bathroom, showering for half an hour. He then donned the oversized alpha shirt that He Yu Shen loved seeing him wear and lay down on the bed.

After the substitute marriage, Little Dumb becomes a  big boss palm treasureWhere stories live. Discover now