Chapter 50: Yin Feng's Advice

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Chapter 50: Yin Feng's Advice

On Monday, Yan An arrived at the villa early.

Having struggled with insomnia the previous night, a yawning Nan Yi descended the stairs, only to be ushered into a car by Yan An, still in his pajamas.

Nan Yi: ............

The surgery was scheduled for the afternoon. Afraid of pain, Nan Yi opted for general anesthesia even for his throat procedure.

After the anesthesia, a wave of drowsiness washed over him. His vision blurred, and before the doctors even began, he drifted into unconsciousness.

Nan Yi had no idea how long the surgery took. When he awoke, dusk was settling in, with only dark silhouettes of tree leaves visible.

The room was bathed in pristine white, with the scent of disinfectant permeating the air.

His throat hurt, his stomach was empty, and his movements were sluggish post-anesthesia.

It took Nan Yi a considerable effort to simply sit up.

He felt as rigid as an octogenarian.

"Yi Yi, you're awake."

The room's door swung open to reveal a nurse, followed by Yin Feng holding a bouquet.

Trailing behind him were the butler and... Yin Lu?

He wondered how long they'd been there, perhaps ever since he lost consciousness.

"Mr. Nan, since you've just undergone surgery, refrain from speaking. Wait at least a month before trying to speak," advised the nurse before leaving the room.

Given that it was just a throat procedure, the nurse didn't instruct Yin Feng and the others to minimize their visits.

After the nurse left, the butler holding a food container said, "Madam, Master Yan had to leave due to urgent matters. Given the gender considerations, the aunt didn't feel appropriate to come, so I'll stay in the hospital to look after you."

With a puzzled look, Yin Feng asked, "Madam? Which madam?" He casually placed the bouquet on the table.

Nan Yi's gaze, shining with anticipation for the food, shifted awkwardly upon hearing Yin Feng's question.

During Yin Feng's brief interlude, the butler had already poured the rice porridge from the container into a bowl.

"Young Master Yan," the butler began, "Mr. Nan is the omega marked by our young master, and is rightfully addressed as 'Madam'."

Yin Feng's face was a picture of disbelief: "Wha... Yi Yi, things progressed so quickly with you! Even He Yushen's butler addresses you as 'Madam' now!"

The always-silent Yin Lu, trailing behind them, was equally astonished. The omega on the bed, who looked as innocent as a little white rabbit, was He Yushen's chosen one.

After the surgery, Nan Yi's complexion was rather pale, making him appear even more like a pitiable, fragile rabbit.

Nan Yi gave Yin Feng a somewhat sheepish smile, his eyes curving playfully.

For a moment, Yin Lu was entranced.

"Who would have thought," Yin Feng mused as he plopped himself at the head of Nan Yi's bed, "that even a stoic man like He Yushen would fall for you. Don't you find his reserved nature boring?"

Nan Yi responded with a gentle smile, pointing to the rice porridge the butler handed over.

"You eat first."

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