Chapter 108: So Happy, So Loved

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Chapter 108: So Happy, So Loved

A week after little treasure began calling out "daddy" and "papa," he learned to say "grandpa."

He also picked up a new word, "car."

It referred to the toy car He Yushen bought him, which was large enough for even Nan Yi to sit inside.

Knowing his fondness for "cars," He Zhanglingran bought him over a dozen toy cars to keep at the old mansion. Tempted by the "cars," He Siyi would fuss about visiting the mansion daily.

Now that he could walk, albeit unsteadily, Nan Yi constantly watched over him, fearing he might fall.

When Lingran and He Zhang were around to help, Nan Yi could catch a break, making him more willing to bring the little one to the mansion.

Because of the little guy, Nan Yi increasingly felt integrated into the larger family.

Another half month passed, and Nan Yi taught the little one to say "grandma."

Hearing the child-like voice call out "grandma," Nan Yi had a restless, excited night.

This winter was particularly cold, but Nan Yi eagerly awaited the arrival of next spring.

He took advantage of He Yushen's weekend off, bringing along both the young and old, to visit a place they hadn't been to in a long while.

As the car passed by a flower shop, Nan Yi got out to buy a bouquet he believed would resemble the flowers his mother would have loved: pale yellow orchids.

Orchids, symbols of elegance, represent Nan Yi's imaginary perception of his mother, whom he had never met.

He always pictured his mother as a gentle and elegant omega.

He Yushen also chose a bouquet, opting for pristine white chrysanthemums.

It was a rare snowfall in city A, with snowflakes drifting down like rain, melting upon contact, not leaving a trace on their hair.

Upon parking in the secluded cemetery on the outskirts of city A, the little omega, cradled in Nan Yi's arms, curiously looked up.

He watched a large snowflake land on his forehead, feeling its cold touch.

"Daddy," the little omega called.

Lost in thought as he gazed at the graves, Nan Yi didn't hear him.

The little omega, acting playfully, tugged at the front of Nan Yi's shirt.

"Daddy, daddy!" Whenever He Siyi called out to Nan Yi and got no response, he would persistently tug and call until he was acknowledged.

"What's up, little crybaby?"


The tiny one, unfamiliar with the word for snow, pointed at the cotton-like snowflakes in the sky.

Nan Yi chuckled lightly, not explaining to He Siyi. The little omega was still very young; he could learn about such things in time.

"Be good, little treasure. Daddy will introduce you to grandma shortly."


"Yes, grandma."

He Yushen alighted from the car behind the duo, quietly standing beside the omega. He first took the bouquet of orchids from Nan Yi's hands, ensuring that Nan Yi could effortlessly hold the little one.

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