46: y/n & jungkook

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His eyebrows pulls down together as he stares down at me and i cheekily smiled

His pov

I looked around, making sure no one was staring at her in any disrespectful way.

This game should end quick. In a moment of time I was pulled by my bow, she pulled me over i stared at her actions

And soon i was pushed down on a chair, i looked around finding some of my own friends participating in this game

I turned back to her who is now smirking down at me. my one eyebrow went up

"What're you trying to do?"

"Play a game" she winks. She winks at me, fixing her hair and showing off her curves to me

She looks like a Goddess. Absolute goddess. Who is Only worshipped by me.

I felt my lower abdomen tighten at the way she was playing with me, mostly teasing.

"We have all the competitors on the stage so let's start!!"

"What do I have to do?" I asked staring at her who is standing infront of me confidently.

"Just keep quiet and don't move" don't move? When she is going to fucking lap dance on me?

"One! two! three! go!!" I gulped hearing the background music turn up.

"Y-y/n-" she shushed me up with her index finger, smiling playfully at me i bit my bottom lip. she slowly walked around the chair I'm sitting at

My eyes roll all over her back and ass, Dammit. How the fuck am i suppose to sit quietly?

Earned it in the background by the weekend started. Oh yeah wow so now everyone chooses to tease me with her today.

Her grey coloured nails rests on my shoulder slightly rubbing my neck fuck. Do she thinks after all of this she is going to sleep peacefully tonight?

I moved my right leg to hide the fcking bulge. But she thought it's funny to put her heeled feets on my thigh.

I hissed. When her smooth legs got in my view she giggled. And my hands instantly moved on their own.

I grabbed her ankle. Leaving a kiss on her thick smooth thighs. Totally forgetting the shit of my surroundings

"Kook!" She yelled madly and i looked up confused

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