Prologue - HER

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Her POV (⚠️Violence, Abuse⚠️)

7 years ago

The moon was shining bright in the sky in its crescent form. The clock was ticking at 15 minutes past 3 at midnight, the usual eerie silence disturbed by the voices of men discussing something seriously, an urgency filling the atmosphere.

It was an old warehouse, occasionally used for something important. The major utilization of this rundown shed was the illegal bro**el being run in its underground cellar. The door connecting the underground cellar to the ground floor of the warehouse was always locked shut to refrain the women working under to step out. The door at the back of the cellar opening to a small staircase leading to the outside was thoroughly locked after the business for the day was over, giving the women no way to escape.

Inside the cellar, as soon as one enters from either of the doors, there is a medium sized hall, a corridor with fourteen small rooms on either side and one forbidden room at the extreme end.

The hall had one room, used for dressing and vanity, and the rest was an empty space with a desk and chair pushed to the corner to make an area for the women to sleep.

Amidst all the women sleeping on the cold floor, there laid a 19 year old girl, her naturally wavy chestnut brown hair sprawled randomly on her torn pillow, her almond shaped amber eyes staring at the worn out cement ceiling, her full lips pursed tightly, her usual companion, restlessness, storming her brain, sleep far from sight.

It had been three whole years since she was locked in this godforsaken cage, everyday a desperation to break out to her freedom flooding her instincts.

She had tried many ways, some moral and some questionable, but at every turn she was shoved to the ground harder than the previous one.

"I heard someone once saying this - Chance comes to those who stay prepared."

Those were the words she was holding onto.

As long as she doesn't give up, she believes she can grab that one opening and break free from her fate.

Just one opening was all she needed.

Through the past three years, she has been enduring every abuse, every wound, every humiliation, every betrayal and every touch, waiting for the perfect chance.

And every time she thought she had that chance, fate harshly dragged her back into the same cage.

However, no matter how many times she was dragged back, she stood up again, tried again, as many times as humanly possible and ten degrees harder than the previous time.

Despite every person around her giving up hope and everyone giving in to the harsh reality of fate, she was the only one fighting her own demons to stand up all over again.

She was touched mercilessly.

Every inch of her skin was invaded, hands groping and penetrating her, at places she herself had never touched before.







Not once. Not twice. But everyday in the past three years.

But she was not going to give in. Never.

With a bleeding heart, stripped dignity, draining strength, frozen emotions and raging blood, she would stand. AGAIN.

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