Chapter 30

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"Sister-in-law", the man uttered, standing up, nodding respectfully, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

I froze at his words, rooted to my spot as a chill ran down my spine, reminding me of Milan's words from the previous night.

"Huh?", I furrowed my brows faintly, taken aback.

"Oh, my bad, I was just thinking of something else. Ren, was it?", the man said, looking at the kids for confirmation.

The kids, on the other hand, nodded, but were trying very hard to stifle their laughter. It was evident.

A twinge of irritation pricked me.

Is this guy trying to make fun of me?

He looked back with the same mischievous smile and walked to me.

"Hi, ma'am, I'm Aurelio Marino, pleased to meet you.", he greeted, extending his hand.

"Thank you.", I replied curtly, my expression stoic, and walked past him, leaving his extended hand hanging in the air.

That's what he gets for trying to make fun of me.


The siblings burst out laughing at the blatant embarrassment.

"A little indifference from a beautiful lady is a gift you guys are too young to understand.", Aurelio said casually, turning around to us.

"No, that little indifference was a direct jab that even these young people could understand.", I retorted calmly, my gaze evidently mocking him.

"Ouch.", Ashton mocked his cousin, pretentiously clutching his own chest.

Aurelio's brow twitched slightly and he shook his head leisurely.

"May I know the reason for the jab?", he asked, amused, looking at me.

"May I know what's the mirth behind your greeting earlier?", I questioned back, looking him in the eyes.

"Leave it, man, you cannot win against her.", Dylan advised, scoffing.

"That's very demotivating advice.", Aurelio commented.

"But one that you should definitely consider.", I stated, my tone slightly haughty.

Aurelio looked at me, faint surprise in his eyes while his face contorted into an amused smile.

"Told you, Elio, you cannot win.", Ashton smirked at his cousin.

"Aww, is that a compliment, Ashton?", I pretentiously gushed, riling him up.

"It's not.", Ashton huffed, annoyed.

"It definitely felt like one though.", I probed thoughtfully.

"It wasn't. It was an insult.", he retorted.

"Was it? Oh my, since when did the meanings of a compliment and insult get reversed?", I pretended to wonder out loud.

"You're impossible!", he exclaimed in irritation.

"See, you're complimenting me again.", I pointed out casually.

"I'm not.", he argued.

"NOT AGAIN!", the rest of them exasperated loudly in unison.

I laughed at their exasperated expression.

"I feel left out.", Aurelio said, looking at us.

"Just Ren, Ash and Dylan things.", Arianna shook her head.

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