Chapter 10

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"What's going on here?", the familiar deep voice came from behind me.

I turned around and faced him.

"Ms. Baker.", he greeted with a curt nod.

"Mr. Marino.", I greeted back, equally curt.

His secretary greeted me and I greeted her politely.

"Is there any issue?", Mr. Marino asked calmly, his gaze flickering to the two guys standing a few feet behind me.

"Noth-", before I could reply, the annoying kid cut me off.

"This lady barged into the men's washroom.", he said casually.

Pursing my lips, I turned to him, gazing at him flatly.

"I did not 'barge' in, kid, I was just mistaken.", I replied.

"You walked into the men's washroom?", Mr. Marino asked calmly.

"As I said, Mr. Marino, it was just by mistake.", I replied, looking at him calmly, masking my embarrassment.

"The sign was very clear though.", the kid said nonchalantly, pretending to think out loud.

"It was too high above the door, so I must have mistaken it.", I replied flatly.

"But you knew it was a washroom and not a random door. So if you have to know it was a washroom, you must have seen the sign. Then, how come you entered the wrong one?", he questioned with an annoying smirk.

"Are you suggesting I did it on purpose?", I asked in a hard tone, irritated at his indirect allegations.

"I'm just stating the evident facts.", he replied casually, shrugging.

"Is that so? Then, instead of calling the security, why were you trying to prolong the conversation in the washroom? Did you, perhaps, have an ulterior motive too?", I questioned, raising a brow, my gaze challenging his smirk.

His smirk faltered and I could see the subtle frown flickering in his gaze.

"What are you trying to say, woman? What motive could I have?", he asked, his voice laced with irritation.

"I don't know. An alone woman in the men's washroom, ambushed by two tall guys who were deliberately stalling her and snatched her phone from her hand abruptly. What could the motive be?", I commented calmly, pretending to think.

"Are you implying that we were going to get inappropriate with you?", he asked, now his anger clearly visible in his eyes and tone.

Looking him straight in the eyes, my lips curved ever so slightly into a very faint yet visible victory smirk.

"I'm just stating the evident facts.", I repeated his previous statement, my gaze taunting him.

I smirked internally.

What does this kid think? That I would start panicking and step into his prank or trap or whatever his intention was?


Poor kid. He doesn't realize I lived longer than him.

Though I'm not sure what his age is, it is clear he's a high school student.

"Look, woman, I-", he was saying, but was cut off.

"Ashton.", the deep and neutral tone of Mr. Marino cut him off.

Surprisingly, the kid stopped in an instant.

I looked at Mr. Marino and his gaze was fixated on the twins, who in turn looked elsewhere but at him.

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