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"There she is." My friend whispered in my ear, pointing at Lacy. It's been a well-known fact to all of my friends that I've liked her for quite some time; I mean, she's gorgeous. Her jet black hair falls just below her lower back, her makeup is always on point, her scent of lavender and vanilla lingers everywhere she goes, and she is always the best dressed.

What's there not to like about her?

She's never spoken to me and probably never will with the rate at which it's going. But I do like to imagine she notices my existence.

"Jenna Grayson." My chemistry teacher called out.

I looked around the classroom just to discover the class had been in session, and I was completely zoned out and daydreaming (again).  This isn't an uncommon thing for me; my parents get calls from the school claiming I "don't pay attention." Or "drift off in class." Which isn't wrong, but I don't enjoy getting lectured about it.

"Yes sir." I quickly saluted.

He rolled his eyes, unamused, and walked back to the white board. He then explained that we would be doing a group project and would be split into two random groups of two.

"And before you say anything, I'm choosing who sits with you." He shouted.

The whole class groaned.

"Chase and Ella. Justine and Kimberly." He started reading his list of names; I waiter anxiously for mine to be called.

Finally, the last names were listed, and it was me and Lacy left. That's it.

"Finally, Jenna and Lacy." He walked over to Lacy and muttered, "Sorry, you're stuck with her; I didn't make the list."

Lacy ignored the comment and walked right past him and over to me, placing her soft baby pink backpack beside her and gracefully pulling out the empty chair next to me.

"Hi." I whispered. Looking into her bright olive eyes caused my stomach to fill with an array of butterflies.

"Hey." She smiled softly.

I adjusted the way I was sitting, so I was in a straight up position again, I made sure I was paying attention to the teacher.

"This project will take three days; you will be with the same partner throughout the days." His voice trailed off in my head as soon as I thought of Lacy.

This was the perfect opportunity to ask for her number—maybe not today, but tomorrow. or... The bell went off and class was dismissed for the day; thankfully, chemistry was my last class.

I walked home and caught up on homework and reading before I took a shower, ate dinner, and went to bed.

The next day, I got up a little earlier than usual. I wanted to look slightly presentable, especially since I was going to be sitting with Lacy.

I arrived at school and went to my other classes before chemistry.

I took my seat, and Lacy followed.

The class went quick today, and I knew that if I didn't ask for her number tomorrow, I'd probably never have another chance.

I repeated the same routine as the day before, except I started a new book, "Fly with Me." By Andie Burke.

I got up early again the next day, got ready, and left for school.

This time Lacy met me in the hallway and said, "Hey, can I talk to you after class?"

"Yeah. Of course." I replied quickly.

She smiled, then ran to another class. It looked like she was late.

I walked into class and took my seat in chemistry.

Lacy wasn't there yet. I looked over the entire room, but she was nowhere to be found.

Just as the teacher started to speak, she burst through the door.

"Sorry I'm late; I got caught up with another class." She said this while throwing her backpack beside her.

I looked her up and down. Her hair was tangled, and her soft yellow polo shirt was creased, she was out of breath too.

"Is everything okay?"You seem a little... frazzled." I whispered.

"Oh yeah, I just caught my now ex boyfriend with another girl, so I freaked out on him and started throwing all the shit he gave me out of my backpack and.. well at him." She said in reply snickering with an angry undertone.

"Oh." It felt as if the entire class heard me.

She leaned over again and said, "We'll talk after class."

I nodded at her and directed my attention back to the board.

The experiment went well, and we ended up ranking number 2 out of all the groups, which was pretty impressive in my opinion.

Lacy grabbed my hand as soon as the bell dismissed us.

She led us to the school library and looked at me. I was met by her olive eyes again.

"I think I like girls." She blurted out.

"I mean, you do too, right?" She asked, worried she'd scare me away.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do." I replied proudly.

"I... I've never felt like this before. It's different..." her voice trailed off.

"Is there someone specific you like?" I asked calmly.

There's no way it was me—never. Not even in my wildest dreams. She was too good for me.

"I, uh, well," she stuttered.

"You." She said quickly.
A gasped escaped my mouth.

"I'm sorry; I doubt you feel the same. And that's fine; I was just tired of keeping it in. I would have talked to you over the year, but I was afraid." She confessed.

"I feel the same. And I've wanted to ask for your number for months, but I've been too afraid."

She signed and said, "Well then. I'll do it; what's your number?"

I smiled and gave it to her; she suggested we go to a Christmas tree lighting this Friday.

"I can pick you up if you'd like." I offered.

"Perfect." She said.

We both walked our separate ways home, and as arranged, we went on our date the next day.

1001 words!
Thanks for reading <3

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