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𝔸𝕥 the tender age of 18, Aries was a young teenager who found himself without any family or friends. His life took an unexpected turn when he was thrust into the treacherous Hunger Games, with little hope for a positive outcome. However, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of light emerged - he found Estella, a companion who became his newfound family. In her, he discovered the love and support he had longed for, mending the void he once felt.

Yet, as time passed, Aries now stands at the age of 20, and it feels as though he is back at square one. The starting line of life seems dauntingly lonely once again as if the progress he made was merely a fleeting moment. The warmth and comfort he once had now eluded him, leaving him to navigate the world on his own.

With a heavy sigh escaping his lips, he forcefully massages his hand over his weary face and tousled hair, desperately yearning for the moment he opens his eyes to find it was all just a figment of his imagination. In that blissful scenario, Estella would be right beside him, her radiant smile and infectious laughter filling the air. Alas, reality had a different plan for him, thrusting him into this unfamiliar chapter of his life where her presence would be absent.

A surge of anger, perhaps even tears, begins to well up within him. His eyes scan the surroundings, searching for an outlet to release the pent-up frustration. And there it is a trolley brimming with medical equipment, conveniently within reach. Without a moment's hesitation, he tightly grips it, summoning every ounce of strength within him, and hurls it across the room with all his might. The crash reverberates through the air, breaking down the mental doors that confine him.

The crash of the trolley hitting the wall echoed through the sterile hospital room, momentarily satisfying his pent-up rage. But as the noise subsided, he was left with a hollow emptiness, a reminder of the void Estella's absence had created in his life. The reality of her absence hit him like a tidal wave, overwhelming him with a sense of loss and despair.

He sank to his knees, his body trembling with a mixture of grief and anger. The tears that had been threatening to spill over finally broke free, streaming down his face as he let out a guttural cry of anguish. The weight of his emotions felt suffocating as if the air in the room had turned heavy and oppressive.

At that moment, he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. The future that once seemed so bright and promising now appeared bleak and uncertain. How could he navigate this new chapter without the love and support of the person who had been his rock?

He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as he fought against the overwhelming urge to scream and lash out at the unfairness of it all. The room seemed to close in on him, the walls closing in as if to suffocate him. He needed an outlet, a way to release the torrent of emotions that threatened to consume him.

"Aries," he snaps his head up at the voice. Although it wasn't the person he was earning for, he won't lie that hearing this familiar voice helped him cope with the situation he was in. Dennis, his mentor. Stood there before him, dressed in this horrible grey outfit, his hair now bearing the color white, and those bags under his eyes told him that he was just as devastated about everything.

Aries feels a wave of relief wash over him as he sees Dennis standing before him.

As Aries gazes upon Dennis, he immediately notices the unmistakable weariness etched upon his face. The weight of the past events, particularly his attack on Heavensbee, is evident. It becomes apparent that this very incident is the cause behind Aries being confined to this room, solely for the safety of others.

Aries, with a hint of skepticism, interrupts, "What? Do you have some miraculous advice to help me through this bullshit?" His voice carries a harsh tone, yet his eyes betray a vulnerability that he cannot conceal.

Surveying the confining space that Aries was locked in, Dennis couldn't help but frown. It was as if they saw him as some kind of wild beast that needed to be contained. Determined, Dennis approached Aries, crouching down to meet his intense, bloodshot eyes. With a hint of caution, he spoke, "I believe it's time for you to meet some people."

Aries scoffed, rolling his eyes in amusement at the thought that his mentor actually believed he wanted to meet the very individuals responsible for imprisoning him. Without hesitation, he retorted, "Sure, and maybe this time you should prepare a grave for that bastard Heavensbee." Dennis let out a weary sigh, but pressed on, carefully choosing his words, fully aware of how they would affect Aries. "You've been locked up for weeks. All you have to do is listen and behave... They might have information about Estella."

The mention of Estella caught Aries' attention. Slowly, he turned his gaze back to his mentor, a challenging fire burning in his eyes. Aries was growing increasingly furious at how easily Dennis spoke her name, without a hint of guilt or concern, while he was left here, crying and struggling without her. "... Fine."

⇘                     ⇙

Dennis confidently led the way, with Aries trailing closely behind him. However, they soon realized they were not the only ones on this journey. Due to Aries' mischievous behavior, it was understandable that people were cautious around him. As a precautionary measure, two guards were assigned to accompany them, ensuring everyone's safety. To avoid provoking Aries' short temper, the guards maintained a respectable distance from him.

From the moment Aries set foot outside his confinement, he noticed something peculiar. District 13, the place he had envisioned as desolate and underground, turned out to be quite different from his childhood imagination. It was a highly militarized and well-organized community, with a strict hierarchy and a primary focus on survival. The residents of this district appeared remarkably resilient and resourceful, having adapted to the harsh living conditions they faced.

As they journeyed towards their destination, Dennis noticed how Aries would always stay in the shadows, avoiding the sunlight and the people around them. It was almost as if he didn't want to be a part of the real world. Dennis felt sorry for him, knowing that Aries had been through a lot of trauma in his life. But he also knew that showing pity towards him would only make things worse.

Aries had a fierce pride that would not allow him to accept any kind of sympathy or help from anyone. He saw it as a weakness, and he would become enraged if anyone tried to show him pity. Dennis knew that the best way to help Aries was to be patient and understanding, to let him come out of his shell in his own time.


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