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𝕋ℍ𝔼 room falls silent, a palpable hush that spreads throughout Panem. The entire nation leans in, captivated by what is about to be revealed. For the first time ever, someone is speaking openly about the reality of the arena. Peeta's voice breaks the silence, his words carrying a weight that resonates with everyone present.

He confesses, "I held onto my wish, desperately clinging to it. But that last night, something didn't feel right. It was all too complicated. I found myself regretting not running away with Katniss earlier, as she had suggested. But at that point, there was no escape."

Caesar interjects, pointing out Peeta's distraction with Beetee's plan to electrify the salt lake. "You were too caught up in that, too busy playing allies with the others. I should have never allowed them to separate us!" Peeta's frustration bursts forth, "That's when I lost her."

Caesar clarifies the moment when Katniss and Johanna Mason go to the water with the coil of wire. "I didn't want to stay behind!" Peeta's agitation flushes his face. "But I couldn't argue with Beetee without revealing our plan to break away from the alliance. When that wire was cut, everything spiraled into chaos. I can only recall fragments of what happened. Searching for her. Witnessing Brutus kill Chaff. Taking down Brutus myself. I know she was calling my name. Then, the lightning bolt struck the tree, and the force field surrounding the arena... it blew out."

"Peeta, you've witnessed it," Caesar remarks. "Katniss had no idea what she was doing. None of us could comprehend Beetee's plan. You could clearly see her struggling to make sense of that wire." Peeta retorts, his frustration evident.

"Fine. But it does raise suspicions," Caesar comments. "It's almost as if she was secretly working with the rebels." Peeta stands up, getting closer to Caesar, gripping the arms of the interviewer's chair. "Really? Was it part of her plan for Johanna to almost kill her? For the electric shock to paralyze her? To trigger the bombing?" He raises his voice. "She didn't know, Caesar! Neither of us knew anything except that we were fighting to keep each other alive!"

Caesar places a hand on Peeta's chest, a gesture of both protection and reconciliation. "Alright, Peeta, I trust you." / "Alright." Peeta steps back from Caesar, releasing his grip, running his hands through his hair, and messing up his carefully styled blond curls. He slumps back into his seat, visibly distraught.

Aries couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh, feeling overwhelmed by everything that was happening. Peeta's constant ranting, Ceaser's relentless questioning, and the suffocating silence in the room were all getting on his nerves. It was clear that everyone was deep in thought, contemplating their next move. Aries couldn't understand why Peeta was out there, giving interviews and protecting Katniss's reputation.

If anything, Aries concluded that this had nothing to do with him. Despite his desire to leave, he was stuck here, unable to escape. It seemed like everyone else knew something important was about to happen, and Aries felt compelled to stay and find out what it was. It was ironic how they claimed to be allies, yet kept secrets from each other, he thought to himself. Exhausted, he found the nearest chair and slumped into it, twirling around in boredom until Peeta's interview finally came to an end.

Peeta finally broke the silence after another 10 minutes, knowing that his words would not be well-received by District 10. "Caesar, we can't keep fighting each other," he says. "If we don't stop soon, there won't be anyone left to fight. We need to lay down our weapons and call for a cease-fire."

Caesar looks surprised. "A cease-fire? Are you sure?" Peeta nods wearily. "Yes, I'm sure. Can someone please escort me back to my quarters so I can continue building my card houses?" As Peeta walks away, Aries can hear the angry whispers and accusations being thrown at him. Traitor, liar, enemy. He knows he can't join in or defend Peeta, so he suppresses the urge to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

He couldn't hold on for long when the screen welcomed another unexpected guest. It was someone Aries had thought he wouldn't see for another month. "And now, our very special guest. The Capitol's prized jewel, the survivor and victor of the 75th Hunger Games: Estella Perez."

The camera panned to reveal Estella gracefully stepping onto the stage, pausing for a brief moment to embrace Peeta with genuine affection and whisper something in his ear. A strange sensation stirred within Aries, compelling him to rise from his seat and make his way towards the television. The room fell into an eerie silence, everyone too afraid to disturb the beast.

Dressed in a stunning golden silk gown, complete with the customary slit and chain shoulder strap, Estella looked breathtaking. Her matching glove extended elegantly to her elbow, while her signature tiara adorned her head, keeping her hazel-colored hair in place. Aries felt as if his lungs could finally breathe again at the sight of her. His Estella was safe and just as beautiful as the last time he laid eyes on her.

As Estella took her place on the stage, the crowd erupted into thunderous applause (although, it's a backdrop audio), their admiration for the victor evident in their cheers from even the crew staff. Aries watched in awe as she gracefully acknowledged the audience, her poise and confidence radiating from every pore. It was as if she had been born to be in the spotlight, to captivate the hearts of those around her.

He found himself cheering along with the crowd, ignoring the looks given to him. Most especially President Alma who seems wary about this. "Wahoo! That's my Estella! You go girl!" He had his arms up, pointing to the screen to those he barely knew. Even Dennis had to pull him back and tell him to come down: "Oh come on Dennis! Look at her. I swear she gets prettier every time I look away."


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