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𝔸ℝ𝕀𝔼𝕊 couldn't fathom how Dennis managed to persuade him to go on this outing. It felt like just moments ago he was trapped in that dreadful, prison-like medical room for weeks. And now, here he was, inside this hovercraft, with only Boggs for company.

Glancing at the commander, Aries noticed how unusually quiet he was, despite Aries' attempts to test his patience by repeatedly asking where they were headed. Boggs remained as still as a statue, earning Aries' admiration. It was rare for him to be around someone who never lost their temper with him. Even Estella, at times, would reach her breaking point and shoot him a glare.

Thoughts of Estella brought a smile to Aries' face as he reminisced about their interactions. He would constantly pester her until she couldn't take it anymore and resorted to throwing things at him just to get him out of the room. Yet, after spending a couple of hours alone, she would always find her way back into his arms, seeking comfort. Chuckling to himself, Aries disregarded Boggs' inquisitive glances.

As the hovercraft continued to soar through the sky, Aries couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom wash over him. For so long, he had been confined to the walls of the medical facility, unable to explore the world around him. But now, with the wind in his hair and the sun on his face, he felt alive.

Aries had been counting the minutes, trying to distract himself from his boredom. It felt like a good hour had passed, but he knew it had only been a short 10-minute ride. As the hovercraft began to descend, he noticed they were landing on a patch of dried, hideous green grass. The scene before him resembled a black-and-white movie, with no signs of destruction or decay. There was nothing to see except for the vast sky above.

"We're here," Boggs said, motioning for Aries to stand up and follow him outside. Aries complied, stepping out of the vibrating hovercraft onto the still dirt. He glanced back, realizing that Boggs wasn't joining him.

Aries watched as Boggs signaled to the driver, and within seconds, the hovercraft started to separate itself from the ground. "What the heck?!" Aries exclaimed, panic and confusion evident in his voice. He raised his arms in question but didn't bother chasing after the departing hovercraft, even if it was his only way back. He kept his eyes on Boggs, who waved at him before shouting, "We'll bring you back in 50 minutes sharp. Try not to get into trouble."

"Yeah, like I could! You've left me in the middle of a freaking desert!" Aries shouted, but his voice couldn't reach the hovercraft. With a defeated sigh and a puzzled expression, he watched as the hovercraft and Boggs disappeared from his view.

Time ticked by, but Aries remained motionless. It seemed as though his mind was working overtime to process the events that had just unfolded. "... I never imagined I'd have to go through this again," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of bitterness and resignation. The memories of his childhood, the feeling of being left behind, flooded his thoughts, threatening to overwhelm him.

But instead of succumbing to the anger and frustration that had consumed him in the past (imagining his young self, crying and stomping his legs wanting his parents), Aries let out a derisive snort, a bitter laugh at the cruel irony of life. He scratched his head, a gesture of contemplation, as he pondered his next move.

The dried grass beneath his feet crunched with each step as if it had been deprived of water for years. The air was heavy with an eerie stillness, devoid of any signs of life. Aries squinted his eyes, trying to make out any landmarks or structures in the distance, but all he could see was an endless expanse of barren land stretching out before him.

Feeling a surge of determination, Aries decided to explore his surroundings. He began to walk, his footsteps leaving imprints on the cracked earth. As he ventured further, he noticed peculiar formations in the distance. They appeared to be towering rock formations, their jagged edges contrasting against the monotonous landscape. Intrigued, Aries quickened his pace, eager to uncover the secrets hidden within this desolate place.

As Aries approached the rock formations, he couldn't help but sense that there was something peculiar about them. They stood tall like guardians, protecting a hidden realm. He scanned the area, hoping to find any clues or markings that could shed light on his whereabouts, but to no avail.

Letting out a sigh, Aries pondered, "What would Estella do in this situation?" He hummed to himself, gazing at the imposing rocks before him. "She definitely wouldn't go in..." One second passed, then two, then three. "But I would!" With a cheerful step, he boldly leaped onto the other side of the rock gate. A smile adorned his face as he imagined Estella scolding him, perhaps even pulling him back.

However, the moment his feet touched the ground on the other side, an unsettling feeling washed over him. His heart grew heavy, and his breaths became slow and deliberate. Something was amiss. "What on earth?" he muttered, his stance shifting into a defensive position as he cautiously surveyed his surroundings.

The air felt thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the distant sound of rustling leaves. Aries strained his ears, trying to discern any other noises that might give him a clue as to what lay ahead. But all he could hear was the pounding of his own heartbeat, echoing in his ears like a war drum.

As he moved ahead, the earth beneath him appeared to sway, causing him to lose his balance. As he tumbled onto the ground, his palm became coated in dirt and remnants of dried leaves. His gaze landed on something peculiar - a burial site. The distinct patch of soil gave it away, but what caught his attention the most was a protruding stone. Extending his hand, he brushed away a few specks of dirt to reveal the inscription. It bore the name, date of birth, and the final resting place of someone.

"Ah, how fun," Aries sarcastically remarked, "They've left me in a graveyard."


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