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"ℙ𝔼𝔼𝕋𝔸 was the one who's supposed to live!" / "Miss Everdeen!"

As they entered the room, Aries couldn't help but notice the tension between Katniss and the unfamiliar woman. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken words, and Aries found himself amused by the situation. It was clear that they had interrupted something important. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Aries couldn't help but laugh at the irony of it all. They got what they wanted, but couldn't persuade their MockingJay.

Ignoring how Katniss was looking up at him in surprise and slight relief, his only guess was that no one told her that he was still alive and here. He turns his attention around the room.

As he looked around the room, Aries noticed the fear in Havensbee's eyes. The ex-Gamemaker was clearly intimidated by Aries, and he couldn't resist the urge to taunt him. By moving his head around trying to get him to look at him. But it was the mysterious woman sitting beside them that caught his attention. With her unremarkable appearance and pale eyes, Aries couldn't help but wonder who she was and what her role in all of this was. Regardless, he knew that he had to behave.

Then, out of nowhere, a figure emerged. This individual, in his mid-forties, approached Aries and Dennis with a commanding presence. With a bald head and piercing brown eyes, he stood tall and exuded an air of authority. Aries could tell that this man held a position of power, perhaps a captain or commander involved in the ongoing war. As the man locked eyes with Aries, there was an unyielding determination in his gaze. Suddenly, Aries felt a strange sensation as his hands were bound together.

Dennis couldn't help but interject, his concern evident in his irrational tone. "Is this really necessary?" he questioned. Aries glanced down to see what the man had done, only to find himself handcuffed to a peculiar and weighty contraption. Despite the unexpected turn of events, Aries couldn't help but let out a laugh, finding amusement in the situation.

The man introduced himself as Colonel Boggs, the head of security for District 13. "Aries White, it's a pleasure to meet you," he stated, his voice oozing with authority. "Rest assured, this precautionary measure is for your own safety." Aries maintained eye contact with him, a mischievous smirk forming on his lips as he scoffed, "Right... Right, nothing to do with Heavensbee's paranoia."

"Mr White, why don't you take a load off?" The seasoned lady beckoned, motioning towards an empty chair conveniently placed next to Katniss. Just as Aries was preparing to retort with a touch of sarcasm, Dennis discreetly nudged him forward, shooting him a cautionary glance. With an exaggerated eye roll, he reluctantly complied, but not without the curious gaze of everyone in the room. Nonchalantly, he plopped down, slouching against the chair, even indulging in a playful spin, completely disregarding any semblance of proper decorum.

Little did Aries know, his nonchalant behavior was only fuelling the interest of those around him, intensifying the air of mystery that seemed to surround him. "I heard about you a lot from Heavensbee. It seems that-" / "I don't recall your importance in this war. Whyn't you refresh my memories on your role before you go kissing my feet to do your dirty work?" Aries's words caused the room to fall silent. Dennis let out a sigh, not disappointed as he had already anticipated this outcome due to Aries' sharp tongue and lack of manners. The mentor was now simply exhausted, wondering how Estella managed to handle him.

"... I apologize. I'm President Alma Coin. It's an honour to meet you, Mr White. I couldn't ever imagine myself in your state. This all must be confusing and exhausting-" Let out the fakest cough ever yet which cut the Madam President's words once more. Aries glanced at her, growing annoyed, but he paid no mind as he shifted his attention to Katniss, his voice dripping with mockery. "She's just recycling the same line she used on you, isn't she? Talk about originality."

The tension in the room heightened as Aries continued to challenge the authority and credibility of those around him. "There's no need to be disrespectful, Mr White." Madam President spoke sternly, straightening her back trying to challenge Aries but the male simply saw her as an annoying bug. "Disrespectful? I'm only repaying what was given. If you want my respect, you'll have to earn it. Alma. Coin." He spites out her name as if it was poison on the tip of his tongue.

Sensing the tension in the room, Dennis gestures for Heavensbee to take charge. Attempting to diffuse the pressure, he begins talking about the plan and reason for this called meeting. "There's riots after riots in each district. And we believe if he can keep this energy, we can unify the district against the Capitol-" Heavensbee ramble on, repeating the same words as he explained to Katniss before. Aries glances at Dennis, showing his aggravation.

They were here discussing this relentless war, the rebellion against the Capitol, even though he had made it clear that he wanted no part in it. Dennis gestured with his hands up and down in an attempt to calm him down.

Aries's voice boomed through the room, capturing everyone's attention. "Why do you think I give a damn about anything other than Estella's whereabouts?" he exclaimed. Madam President exchanged a quick glance with Boggs, who had been observing Aries closely, noticing subtle signs of his impending outburst. Sensing the tension, Boggs positioned himself cautiously beside the raging Aries.

"I came here solely to gather information about her, anything that I don't already know. And until you provide me with that," Aries declared, rising to his feet. Despite his hands being cuffed, he managed to lift them high enough and with such force that they crashed against the table, causing the restraints to scatter and set him free. Boggs swiftly moved to restrain him, but Aries skilfully evaded his grasp, delivering a powerful elbow to his stomach, causing him to double over in pain. Seizing the opportunity, Aries used his weight to push Boggs onto the table, pinning him down.

The room erupted into chaos as everyone scrambled to create distance, even Katniss. This was Aries, an enigmatic figure who couldn't be easily deciphered.

"I won't be participating in anything..." Aries pushed the Colonel forcefully once more before releasing him. He glared at Madam President, now considering her his new enemy, before striding out of the room.


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