Chapter 17

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"Where have you been?"

"Just went to get some fresh air."

"For that long?"

So they knew she had gone for a while, "Yes, and I'm sure you and Ava have loads to talk about."

"Don't dismiss me." Alexander snapped.

"I wasn't."

Julia saw that Ava was surprised and mostly jealous at the outburst on her, "It does not matter where she has been."


Julia rolled her eyes, so he could do whatever he wanted but she was not allowed any say whatsoever.

She went to the bathroom to get changed and put on her nightgown. Julia started when Alexander was also back in the room.

He disappeared for a few minutes, she climbed into bed so that she could try to act as if she was tired, and was falling asleep.

Alexander had come back and changed into his briefs, all the lights were off besides the bed lamps.

"Don't even try that bullshit."

"What?" Julia answered.

"Where have you been?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does matter."

"Don't worry, no one sees me."

"I don't care about that, I just want to know what you were up to."

"Why are you acting like this?"

"I can see the color in your cheeks."

"What about it?"

"You finally got yourself a lover?"


"Don't fucking lie to me."

"I did not, and why are you overreacting? You have Ava and I never complain."

"So you do have one?"


"Who is he?"

"He is just a friend, and even if, am I not allowed to have friends now?"

"I never said that but this time I can tell that you are not hanging out with your drunkard friend."

"Don't say that about her."

"It's true, I could easily find out who he is."

"Fine, you find out who he is, then what?"

She could see that Alexander was also confused a bit, and did not know where he was going with all of this.

"I will have to see."

"Are you jealous?"

"Don't be hopeful on that Julia."

Julia shook her head, "Fine, whatever you say. I'm going to sleep then."

Julia now sat outside under the sun, by the garden enjoying some fruit, the fresh air was very much needed.

She closed her eyes and was surprised when she heard someone and opened them. The confusion that Julia felt was apparent as Alexander sat in one of the chairs.

"Why are you here?"

"I can be here, and secondly we have to act as if we are married, we have been both slacking on that."

Julia nodded, "Ah, makes sense."

Her phone beeped, and she checked it, it was Leo.

See you under the stars.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

She turned to him, "Just a meme from my friend."

Alexander just shook his head and went back to his work...............................................................

Night time came, and it was time for dinner, Julia went to the dining room and was annoyed to find Alexander and Ava there.

"I did not know you two would be here, enj................"

"Sit down."

Julia turned to Alexander, "It's okay, I can eat................."

"Don't make me tell you twice."

Julia sat down and began to eat.

"We are going on a trip."

She looked at Alexander, "What trip?"

"It's a function, and everyone there will have their spouses there, so you have to come."

"How long are we going for?"

"A week or two."

Julia was shocked, and could not believe she would be stuck there with him and his mistress.

Early access to chapters : :) see you in the next chapter <3

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