Chapter 31

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Julia and Blake went out all the time, at times she would sleep by her place. Back at the mansion, she had not seen Alexander or Ava.

That was a bonus for her as she knew that it they were the last people that she wanted to see.

There were so many guys who wanted her, but the thought of dating a guy made her sick, and that's why she was not allowing any of them to get close to her.

The dancing made her remember how she had danced with him, and those thoughts she pushed them away.

The more Julia thought about it, the more she could tell that those two were purer psychopaths. No one in their right mind would even think about doing this nonsense that they pulled on her.

Blake also didn't dance with guys because she wanted to be with her, as she usually had some guy to dance with.

Julia came back and dragged herself into the cold mansion. She went to the living room. Both Alexander and Ava looked her up and down.

As she could see that Alexander wanted to say something to her, Julia carried on walking. They made her sick.

The two of them made her furious, and she went to their room, she showered, and climbed into bed. Julia woke up when the door opened.

She could hear Alexander changing. He came to bed. "The least you can do is respond to our greeting."

Julia did not say a word and closed her eyes.

"You can't be that upset. I saved the both of us."

Julia just did not respond.

"Fine, I give up. I see that you're being childish."

She could tell that he was trying to rile her up so that she would respond to his taunts, but that did not matter to her.

They had done the worst to her, so whatever he said now would not ever amount to the crap that they had pulled off.

The following morning, Julia had decided to take a day off to breathe, now she sat by the garden, the breeze felt lovely.

Julia wanted to scream when Alexander and Ava came. They sat down,

"Mind if we join you?" Ava asked.

What was the point they had sat down already? She carried on looking at her phone, and she texted Blake as to what was going on.

"Sack of bag of balls, bitches."

Julia could not help but laugh. Blake was always funny.

"What are you laughing at? She felt surprised when he asked her, and Ava's reaction also seemed taken aback. Then she could see the fury in her eyes.

She touched Alexander's hand,

"Right and I can tell Ava came to brag."

"You should leave these assholes."

"I can't let them win. I sat here first."

"True, cheers to girl power."

"Wish you were here."

"I'm there in spirit."

"I can feel it."

"Who are you talking to?"

Julia felt shocked by Alexander's words and wondered why he sounded irritated, but she rolled her eyes and continued texting Blake.

"He has the audacity to now ask who I'm talking to? And he sounds irritated."

"Maybe he has feelings for you."

"Can't be. He has feelings for Ava."

"Maybe he has feelings for both of you."

"I doubt it."

Alexander and Ava carried on talking and she was talking to Blake. The breeze was now a bit chilly.

Alexander took off his sweater and threw it at her. She ignored it and got up, went back to their room, and took a cardigan.

Instead of going back outside, she sat by the living room and began watching football, she was obsessed with it.

Alexander and Ava came and sat down, WHAT THE HELL? SHE WOULD NOT LET THE BULLY HER.

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