Authors Note

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Hey guys :) 

So this is my first ever book. I'm going to say right from the get go that there are going to be cliches. I'm attempting to figure out my writing style and I figure cliches are cliches for a reason - because they work. I am planning on having a few twists though. 

Obviously (If you can't already tell by my summary and cover) I'm new at this. Be gentle. I am writing this for me. To help me grow as a writer. I've never had anybody else read something of mine, so to be honest I can't even guarantee that it will be good. (Although I personally think that it is and will be amazing). When I say be gentle, I don't mean don't tell me if it's bad. I want to know what you think. I am completely open to constructive criticism, and if you spot any grammar or spelling mistakes don't hesitate to let me know so that I can fix them. Just don't be nasty about it. Updates will be out every 5-7 days, regardless of whether anyone is reading it. 

WARNING: This story is going to be BoyxBoy, so if that's not your thing I'd recommend not reading any further. There will also be sex scenes, violence and swearing. The violence will be graphic. The sex scenes will be Boyxboy. If you don't like it, don't read it. Consider yourself warned. I'd also like to make a note that any negative opinions of boyxboy found in this book by my characters are not my own opinion or view. If it was, I wouldn't be writing this. 

If you do decide to read them, I hope you fall in love with the characters as much as I already have. (I may be biased though!)

Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: Yay. This book is now completed and there is a second book titled The Things We Do. Yayayayayyayay. :D <3 <3 xoxox


Update (again):

Reading this update is optional, although I'd appreciate it if you would at least skim through it. This is more for new readers rather than people who have already started the story, as those who have already started reading have probably figured most of this out on their own. 


Okay, my lovelies.

I have a couple of points I would like to make before you begin to read this, as I've been getting some nasty messages about my writing. So please read this before reading my books, just so you are aware of what's going on, and are prepared for anything you might have an issue with.

1. I have SEVEN (7) books planned in this series. I already know exactly where this is going chapter by chapter – I just need to flesh it out a bit before updating it. If my characters take over, updates might be a little later as I need to make sure their actions haven't created a plot hole in the next x amount of books. I might be new to this, but I do take pride in my writing, despite how many rookie mistakes there are in the story.

2. I'm already aware that these stories are cliché. There's a reason I called the series 'Clichéd Love'. I started writing these with the intention to make them cliché. Why? Because clichés work. People enjoy them – that's why they're so popular. I'm aware that the majority of the themes that happen most likely aren't original. That's kind of the point. However, I was intending to write them with a twist, which comes to my third point.

3. There is an underlying plot line. It starts at Chapter 11 and continues on through all the books. It was my own way to connect the books and actually have them going somewhere instead of simply writing a romance where A meets B and then they have a bit of angst before getting together. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just wanted to add something of my own into an otherwise cliché filled series.

4. The reason I deliberately made this series cliché is because it's my first attempt at writing. This series will give me the opportunity to figure out how to develop my original characters properly, figure out my own writing style, and get all my rookie mistakes out of the way (for example; adding too many characters in the first chapter, and writing a chapter in Logan's POV out of the blue – sorry about that. But hey, learning curve) before I start writing my own original ideas.

5. I'm not a professional writer.  I doubt anyone on here is. If I was, than I would be publishing an actual book somewhere, not updating chapters on Wattpad. I'm going to make mistakes sometimes. While I adore feedback and constructive criticism (by all means, point out as many plot holes, spelling mistakes, etc. as you'd like, I'd actually appreciate it), sending private messages saying that my 'writing is shit' just makes you look bad. Please keep in mind that writers on here are people, and that while words have the ability to weave amazing stories, they can also be hurtful.

6. Surprisingly enough, I'm not writing this story to get votes, or comments, or followers. I'm writing this because to me, writing is something that you can always get better at, and this series is my learning curve. I will be updating chapters regardless of whether anyone reads it. Why? Because I love my characters, and while the stories themselves may be cliché, my characters are their own people who need a chance to grow, and I enjoy writing about them.

7. When I finish book 7, I WILL be coming back and editing all of my chapters in an attempt to make this series as good and as well-written as I can. For now, I'm concentrating on pumping out updates to keep the story going. So feedback is a beautiful thing, and the more mistakes and plot-holes you point out, the better it will be in the long run, as I will be reading all the comments for each chapter when I edit in case someone picks up a mistake I may have missed.

So, if you made it through all of that and you're still with me, thank-you. I know that the last thing someone wants to read before getting into a story is a ridiculously long author's note, so I really appreciate it if you took the time to read this.

If you're still interested in reading my story, I really hope you enjoy it. J


Tongue-Tied (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now